Laissez Les Bon temps rouler

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The SUV came to a halt in front of the compound. Freya looked out the window, rubbing her palms briskly from all the sweat seeping through her pores. The thought of New Orleans becoming her new home did excite her, but she was scared that Elijah and Hayley would not like her.

The gang stepped out of the car and grabbed their luggage from the trunk.

"Are you ready to meet them?" Bonnie asked.

"I'd be lying if I said I am, but I knew this day would come. I hope they'll accept me as I am," she said.

"I'm sure they will," Bonnie said. "We're happy you're here, Freya."

"I'm happy I'm here too," Freya smiled. She looked at her luggage and realized one was missing. "I think I left my other suitcase in the trunk. I'll be right back." Freya walked to the SUV to grab it while the others walked inside the house.

"Welcome back!" Hayley and Elijah shouted in unison.

The gang was a bit taken aback. Streamers and balloons were hanging at just about every corner of the living room. There was a platter of food on the table; bagels, waffles, grapes, sausages, eggs, and an abnormal amount of beignets. It was totally like Hayley to do this.

"I knew they would be happy to see us, but I didn't think they would be this happy," Kol said.

"What can I say? I missed my favorite guys," Hayley said, stepping forward to hug Kol and Klaus.

"That's sweet of you, little wolf," Klaus said.

"I would have never believed that a day would come where I would hear those words fall out of your mouth," Kol said, squeezing Hayley before pulling away.

"Neither would I," Hayley admitted, hands in the back of her jeans pocket. "It's been a little boring here without you guys."

"I heard that," said Elijah, who had just finished greeting Bonnie and Rebekah with a hug. Hayley and the rest chuckled at that. "Hello, brothers. I take it you enjoyed your time spent in Tennessee."

"If you mean living our worst nightmare with an insane doctor, then yes, we did enjoy our time spent in Tennessee," Kol said.

Elijah chuckled, shaking his head.

"Bonnie Bennett and Rebekah best friends," Hayley grinned, taking long strides to meet them with a hug. "You guys were only gone for five days, but it felt like forever."

"We missed you too," Bonnie said as they pulled out of the embrace. She took a second to get a good look at Hayley. And there was something about her that radiated sunshine. Her skin was brighter, her hair longer, and her Hazel eyes seemed more hazel.

"Why haven't you guys called me? I would check my phone every two minutes for a text or something."

"Hayley, dear, our time in Tennessee was far more chaotic than we anticipated. A lot happened," Rebekah said.

"Well, I want all the details tonight because we have plans," Hayley smirked as Rebekah and Bonnie looked at each other with uncertainty. They weren't sure what to expect with these plans of Hayley's.

"You never make plans for us to go out. When you do, it's usually to try the latest restaurant that opened down the block," Bonnie said. "Something's not right with Hayley, Rebekah. She's too happy." Hayley rolled her eyes playfully. "What happened while we were away?"

"Nothing," Hayley said, rubbing the back of her neck.

"What did you do?" Rebekah asked as Hayley's eyes widened.

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