'Till death do us part

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Dear Diary,

Remember when I said my life would have no meaning to it almost ten years ago? Well, I was wrong. At first, I hated it here in New Orleans. Not because of the city itself but because the Mikaelsons used to be people I could not stand. They still have their days where they agitate the hell out of me, but I love them to death. I can't imagine life without all of them by my side. I've spent these past four years working on getting my master's in psychology, and I did. Congrats to me! I graduated almost six months ago and applied for several job positions, but I am still waiting to hear back from someone. Kol has offered to compel them, but I won't let him. If I'm doing something, I need it to be genuine. I haven't given up yet. I still have faith...a lot of faith.

Did I forget to mention that Freya is getting married to-

"Ms. Bennett." Rebekah stormed into Bonnie's room, followed by Hayley.

Bonnie turned around at the mention of her name. "Good morning, Rebekah."

"Please don't tell me you're still sitting here pretty, writing in your diary when we have plans."

"One, this is a journal, not a diary," Bonnie corrected. "Two, shouldn't we let the bride rest on her big day? The wedding starts in like-"

"Seven hours," Rebekah said.

"It is eight in the morning, Rebekah. The guys aren't even back yet," Bonnie said.

"Klaus is doing nefarious things to secure the venue, Elijah is suit shopping for them, and Kol is preparing to do the ceremony. They will be back soon to get ready," Rebekah argued.

"Why did I find out last night that Kol was licensed to marry someone?" Hayley sat on the leather chair. "I was shocked."

"Right!" Bonnie slapped her hands on the desk as she stood up. "I've been dating the guy for almost four years, and he has never told me that." She began to wonder. "When did it even happen?"

"Can we not focus on my brother being a wedding officiant and actually focus on the fact that Freya is getting married?" Rebekah said.

Bonnie had to hold herself back from rolling her eyes. Freya's wedding was going to be fascinating but very stressful for everyone. Rebekah's constant nagging didn't make it any better. "Everything at the venue is already prepped. All Freya has to do is dress up and get her makeup done."

"All of us must dress up and get our makeup done, which will take a while. The makeup artist doesn't have magic fingers," Rebekah pressed.

"She kind of does. Victoria's a witch, remember?" Bonnie said, wiggling her fingers.

"Hayley, back me up here," Rebekah said.

Hayley sighed, hating that she was now in the middle. "The only thing that really matters today is that Freya is happy. She can get married in her pajamas and a bare face, and Keelin will still love her."

Bonnie stifled a smile upon hearing the wolf, her eyes mocking Rebekah. The blonde woman instantly shifted her attention to Bonnie, her piercing eyes narrowing in annoyance.

"I am not taking sides here," Hayley gesticulated. "We have to be there for Freya, mentally. Getting married is a big thing; the last thing you want on your wedding day is your sister and your friend going back and forth with each other."

"You know what? You're right." Bonnie turned around and closed her Diary. "Let's get her up."


"This should keep you going and glowing," Hayley said, handing Freya her breakfast: peanut butter toast with a side of fruit and greek yogurt.

"Thank you, Hayley." Freya took the dish, placing it on the desk with no hesitation. Her hair had a wet look to it, being she had just come out of the shower a couple of minutes ago. "Isn't it crazy that I'm marrying the most perfect woman ever?" She paced around the room, searching for something.

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