New Orleans?

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When 12:00 noon came the next day, Bonnie made her way over to the Mikaelson Mansion. Not that she wanted to help Klaus, but the words he said were stuck in her mind, and she was desperate to know more. The constant thought ran through her mind, Why am I doing this? She couldn't help but wonder. Yeah, it was for her own benefit; but for some odd reason, it felt like she was betraying her friends, or at least the friend she had left, Caroline. 

She walks up to the steps, and rings the doorbell of the beautiful mansion. Bonnie waited outside for a couple of seconds, she heard talking from the inside and the door opened. To her surprise, it was Rebekah. Vampire Barbie, as Damon would call her. 

The girly original stood still, glaring down at Bonnie, questioning Bonnie with her eyes, since she couldn't question her with her mouth or else it would be considered pretty rude. After a while, it became awkward and Rebekah decided to speak, "Bonnie, what do you want?".

"Well hello to you too" the witch said offering the original a sarcastic smile. 

"I'm here to see Klaus, is he here?" Bonnie questioned. 

"Yes, he is" Rebekah replied, then opening the door even wider, gesturing for her to come in. Bonnie took the first step into the mansion, then the other. 

From the corner of her eye, she could sense Rebekah observing her every move as she took foot into their home. Bonnie stood near the staircase, she didn't want to make herself too comfortable, or comfortable at all in fact. The last time she got comfortable there, it didn't end so well. Plus, she was eager to discuss what had to be discussed with Klaus. At the moment, that's all she cared about. 

Bonnie impatiently waited for Klaus, she sighed in annoyance as her time was being wasted. Suddenly, Kol walked into the living room. 

"Look whose finally awoken from their slumber!" she exclaimed, rolling her eyes at Kol. 

"Quiet, Bekah" he replied. 

Bonnie could feel her heart stop for a second as she took in sight of the man who kind of broke her heart. She expected an apology, or some sort of eye contact the least, but there was none. 

He must hate me, she thought to herself. Some part of her was hurt, he acted like she was invisible, he made it very clear he couldn't care less about her presence. You know just how to shred my heart into a thousand pieces, don't you? she thought to herself. Rebekah cleared her throat, snapping Bonnie out of her thoughts. 

"I apologize for the time you've wasted coming here, but it seems that your help isn't wanted. I'll tell Klaus you came-". All of a sudden, she was cut off by a loud voice. 

"Thank you Rebekah, but I can speak for myself. Your company is no longer necessary". Bonnie looked up to see Klaus standing at the top of the staircase. Obviously irritated. Kol watched as Klaus walked down the steps, wondering what the hell Bonnie had to do with him, you could say he was jealous. 

"Don't worry mate, I won't steal your girl. We have business to discuss" he says walking past his brother. 

Kol wasn't making any move to leave, and Bonnie watched as the two stared each other down. "I'm still here" she said interrupting whatever non-verbal dispute they were having. Klaus walked past Bonnie to the living room, she followed behind him. 

Uncomfortable couldn't even describe how Bonnie felt at the Mikaelson Mansion. Why was she there anyways? Oh right to 'save' herself as Klaus would put it. 

Klaus sat down in the living room, then motioned for her to sit with him. "May I interest you in a drink?" he questioned casually. "No thanks" she said shrugging off the odd feeling of Klaus being polite. 

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