...How we met...

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"When I first laid my eyes on you, I just knew you were the one," Kallidika said.

...FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25th, 1702.

The Mikaelson family had recently arrived in New Orleans, and the cool winter night seemed almost magical as they prepared to host their first Christmas party in the heart of the French Quarter. The scent of roasted chestnuts and jazz music filled the air, creating an enchanting atmosphere.

Elijah stood on the elegant balcony of their historic townhouse, surveying the bustling streets below. Klaus was busy arranging the grand Christmas tree with silver and gold ornaments. Rebekah flitted around the room, adding festive touches to every corner.

Amid the preparations, Kol lounged on a plush couch, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. He watched the festivities with a devilish grin, clearly having other ideas for the evening. Klaus couldn't help but notice his brother's demeanor.

"Kol, are you planning to cause trouble at our party tonight?" Klaus asked with a raised eyebrow.

Kol feigned innocence. "Who, me? Causing trouble? Never!"

Rebekah rolled her eyes. "Kol, this is a family gathering. Can't you behave for once?"

"I'm genuinely confused, Bex. I have not done nor said anything to make you two think I plan on doing something bad," Kol said. "The only bad thing I plan on doing tonight is someone-"

"Okay, we've heard enough," Klaus said with a forced smile. "I expect you to be on your best behavior tonight, brother. No feeding on guests."

"I'll try," Kol said, a devious smirk worn on his face.

Klaus shook his head and walked away. Talking to Kol was like talking to a brick. They didn't listen.

"I look forward to meeting some lads tonight. I could use a new boyfriend. The last one I had was awful," Rebekah groaned, sitting next to Kol.

He scooted over. "I know I'd kill myself if I were ever in a relationship with someone like you," he said.

Rebekah looked at him and narrowed her eyes. "Why aren't you ever nice to me? So much of a good old brother you are." She rolled her eyes and stood up from the couch. "Go to hell." Rebekah walked away, leaving Kol sitting by himself.

Kol could only chuckle. Pissing off Rebekah brought him a joy he couldn't explain, almost like a high.


The party began, and hundreds of guests filled the Mikaelson home. Kol was dressed in a navy blue suit. Underneath, fitted on him, was a white button-up shirt topped with a yellow bow tie. Finished with the most expensive black dress shoes he owned.

During the lively Christmas party, Kol's charm was in full swing as he flirted with a group of elegantly dressed young women. The music, laughter, and clinking glasses filled the air as the night's festivities swirled around them.

"Ladies, you all look stunning tonight. May I say, New Orleans has never seen such beauty," Kol said.

The women giggled and blushed, flattered by Kol's attention.

"Oh, Kol, you know just how to make a woman's heart race," one of the women said.

"Ah, but it's not a party without a bit of racing, don't you think?" Kol said, winking at her afterward.

As he continued entertaining the group, his roguish gaze landed on a girl. She was a vision in a deep red gown, her dark hair cascading over her shoulders, standing at a distance, staring at him. Their eyes locked briefly before she turned and disappeared into the bustling crowd. Kol couldn't help but be intrigued by her sudden departure.

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