Partner in crime

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As they walked through the -used to be- warm and safe Mystic Falls, Bonnie couldn't help but feel unease. The town she had once called her home, was no longer the same. It ached her when she realized she had died, the worse part is she was killed, no -murdered. Bonnie sighed deeply, giving into her thoughts. "Fancy sharing your thoughts?" The original vampire asked. "With you? No" she retorted. "Harsh, I can't blame you though" he grinned. "I don't trust you" the words fell out of her mouth smooth like butter, he narrowed his eyes. "What? Your a sociopath, I simply don't trust you and plus, there's nothing I have to say. I'm just relieved we're back" 

"So your not feeling shunned at all?" He questioned, reading her like an open book. "Yeah well, what I feel right now doesn't matter. We need to hurry up and find them before things get worse. How do we even know where to find them, maybe Elena's house? Stefan and Damon's? I honestly don't know, but let's just get going because we're running out of time and" Kol cut her off by calling her name. "Bonnie, breathe. For someone who's running out of time, your talking a lot"

"That's the thing, I can't just breathe. I need to help my friends"  

"You don't need to help them, you want to. Look, I understand we have to find them, but you just came back. I figured you would want to take a breather before continuing with your daily schedule of saving lives"

"A breather? You can't be serious. I have to fix this mess because it's all my fault"

"I don't understand, how is any of this your fault?"

"I shouldn't have died in the first place. You know what Elena and Caroline got themselves into just to try and save me" she said calmly. 

"I could care less about Elena and Caroline, you need to stop holding responsibility for everyone's life" 

"Just because you hate your life, doesn't mean I have to hate mine"

"I don't hate life, I just hate to have done part in it. Also, don't fool yourself. You are the one that hates your life, you've just refused to accept it" 

"Kol don't" —

They stopped walking as Kol faced the witch in front of him, his hands in the pocket of his pants. "Right, the town witch, kissing everyone's ass. Doing as they say and please...we all know how that story ends. You end up dead and alone, or may I remind you that you've partly completed the story line" 

Why do you care so much? Bonnie thought to herself. She sighed and remained quiet, a slight frown imprinting on her face. Kol noticed and calmed down, even though some part of him was still annoyed with her. He took a deep breath "Talk to me" he said, yearning for an answer. Bonnie exhaled "Things are just different and not just us coming back to life. Everything  feels different. I feel different. It's like, who even am I anymore?" It took some time to dilute the words that just came out of her mouth, she never really asked her self that question. Who is Bonnie Bennett?

"That's a question only you can answer" Kol said. 

"Yeah and strong - independent Bonnie is gone, now I'm just weak her" she scoffed. 

"I beg to differ, she's standing right in front of me" Kol said. She slightly smiled at his remark, but the expression on her face slowly disappeared. "I would love to tell everyone that I'm the reason we're back, but that wouldn't be true because you are the main reason we're back, Bonnie. When I given up all hope, you encouraged me to have hope. You are the strongest person I know, honestly" he said it so casually as if his words didn't mean a thing. She contemplated whether to believe him or not. She didn't need his validation for anything... 

But her heart released it's tight hold in her chest, all she felt was a burning desire. This feeling wasn't just lust, it was more than that. She wanted him to wrap his broad arms around her, sealing her like an envelope. She hated feeling that way with Kol, he was still the enemy in her eyes and she was still the enemy in his, but he found himself feeling comfort in her presence. The memories of him almost killing her loved ones, almost killing her, made her afraid to ever fall for a monster like him. Bonnie took a step back, saying the words of reassurance he was waiting for. I'm okay

She wondered why it sounded like a lie.  

After going to Elena's house, the Salvatore house and the grill, they were no where to be found. That only left them with one other option, Kol's house. When they arrived, Bonnie spotted Elena's car and immediately knew they were here, it seemed to be quiet. Bonnie ran up to the door and knocked. No one answered.

 Kol made his way to the door, about to twist the knob. The door wasn't locked, but Bonnie didn't find that strange; on the contrary she felt like it was just like them to invite in whatever danger awaited them. Kol was stopped by the sound of Bonnie's voice "wait". He narrowed his eyes at her, confused as to why she stopped him. "What?" He asked. "Do we just walk in there or..." she said dragging the r. Kol rolled his eyes: ignoring her and prepared to open it, but Bonnie stopped him once again. "Kol, please" he backed away from the door, with his two hands up as if he was just stopped by a police officer. 

"I just need to prepare myself" she said. "What happened to we're running out of time, we need to hurry up" he mocked. Bonnie scoffed at his imitation of her. "I don't sound like that" she said. "Yes you do" he replied. She didn't bother wasting her breath arguing with him. "Do you think your siblings noticed you were gone?" She asked. It always crossed his mind, but he couldn't fathom that his siblings would ever care whether he was gone or not. "Honestly, I can't answer that question. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't, I don't care! I'm just focused on stopping the events ready to take place. Now can I please open this bloody door?" He said impatiently. Bonnie nodded, basically giving him permission to do so. 

Bonnie watched as Kol opened the door, her heart was pounding, it happened fast but for her time moved in slow motion. Kol took the first step in, Bonnie took the second. Everyone's eyes flicked to the two people standing in front of them, they were in shock. Bonnie stood there nervously, her eyes focused on her best friends who were staring right back, speechless. Meanwhile, Kol had a devilish smile played on his lips as if nothing just happened. Rebekah's  eyes filled with water, Klaus stood there in disbelief. Damon's glass fell to the floor when he saw the witch he had killed, alive. He couldn't tell if it was the alcohol getting to his head or if what he saw was reality, which it surely was. 

"Greetings Mates, your worst nightmare has just returned" Kol said. 

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