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Bonnie walked inside of the school building. She heard a flow of whispers; soft chants with a melodious tune. She stroked her hair behind her ear, creating better hearing for the things she heard. 

Suddenly, Caroline ran to Bonnie. "Oh-em-Gee! I have amazing news!"

"Caroline, do you hear that?" Bonnie asked, not focusing on her friend's enthusiasm. 

"Hear what?" Caroline asked, until she heard the teacher from down the hall. "Oh! You mean Ms. Dillard yelling for the 30th time today. I am now starting to hate my vampire hearing. What is even her problem?"

"No, the whispers," Bonnie said.

Caroline looked around the hall with narrowed eyes. "I can't hear anything," she said. "Are you still having those visions?" 

Coincidentally, the whispers disappeared. "Unfortunately, yes and they're just getting worse. I think it's the witches trying to tell me something."

"Just ask them," Caroline said. 

"You think talking to the witches are that easy? They're old and miserable," Bonnie said. "Plus, I plan to perform a ritual today. As the last standing Bennett witch, I can't help but feel like all the pressure is on me. If I don't kill the Mikaelsons, I'll become dead weight to them."

"Okay...Now, I don't regret being the pretty basic blonde who just so happens to be a vampire," Caroline sighed. "Speaking of rituals, can I come?"

Bonnie scoffed. "You're funny."

They stopped in their tracks and Caroline grabbed Bonnie's arm. "Thanks," Caroline smiled as Bonnie chuckled. "I'm serious, Bonnie. I have never seen you juju up in action. I think it'll be really interesting to see the whole wind blowing-power out- glass breaking thingy."

"Okay, sure," Bonnie said. She found it kind of weird that Caroline wanted to come, but hey! It would be nice for Caroline to see what she's capable of. "Heads up; the spirits aren't a big fan of vampires, so if you set on fire, then you know why."

"You're joking."

Bonnie let out a shaky laughter. "Yeah, I am," she said. Chances are, they would set Caroline on fire, but luckily, Bonnie was a witch too. She could use her magic to extinguish Caroline just in case it happened. "What did you want to tell me?"

"Okay, so, don't freak out, but Tyler and I are back together."

Bonnie's eyes widened. "Wow, that's-"

"Shocking? I know," Caroline said. "Why don't you look happy for me?"

 "No, I am happy for you, but how and when?" Bonnie asked. 

"Well, he returned my calls last night and apologized. He said he needed  time and space to grief his mom, but I would've been there for him. I mean, isn't that my duty as his girlfriend?"

"Everyone griefs differently, Caroline," Bonnie told her. 

"I know, I know," Caroline said. 

After talking for a while, they part ways, and head to class. 


While Bonnie was in class, the whispers continued. She looked around to make sure that no one heard it either. Bonnie raises her hand and ask to head to the bathroom. As Bonnie is walking down the empty hall, she gets a terrible headache from no where. Bonnie stumbles to the ground and groans in pain as the headache continues. She's having another vision. This one was by far the most painful of them all. Matt comes out of class and sees Bonnie on the floor in pain. He runs up to her "Bonnie, what's going on?" Matt says in confusion, scared of what's happening to Bonnie.

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