Plan backfired.

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Bonnie, Elena, and Stefan arrived at the house and hurried their way upstairs. Their eyes widened at Caroline. She could now be mistaken for a zombie. Her skin was pale and gray. Maybe if you opened her eyes, they'd be black and match her lifeless, physical yet emotional persona.

"Took you long enough," Damon said to the trio standing by the doorway.

"Oh, we're sorry, Damon," Bonnie said. "Before Caroline went all spooky, we all thought that werewolf bites were nothing but a myth created by some cheesy wolf who wanted to scare vampires away so they'd look like the tough guys. Oh, how many years ago was that? Probably a good hundred or thousand. Therefore, finding a book that could give us answers to Caroline's situation wasn't easy."

"Alright. My bad," Damon said, palms raised defensively. "If that's the case, then can someone give the cure to Miss Blondie?"

"Well, you're not gonna like what the cure is," Stefan said.

"More like who the cure is," Bonnie corrected.

Elena sighed. There were two ways they could take this news. There could be some shouting and screaming OR laughing in complete disbelief. Either way, they needed to come to terms with the fact that..."Klaus is the cure."

Damon choked on his spit. "What?"

"I know this is a lot to digest-"

"Of course, it's a lot to digest, Elena! Klaus is a sociopath," Damon said.

"How on earth are we going to get Klaus' blood?" Liz asked.

"The books say something about her drinking his blood," Elena said, rubbing her forehead in distress.

"The cure to a werewolf bite lies in the antibodies of an original hybrid and the only original whose part wolf is Klaus...unfortunately," Bonnie said. "Luckily, Klaus likes Caroline."

Liz blinked severally at that. "What?"

"Well, this is one big sh*tshow," Damon said to himself.

"I was surprised too, but if I've come to terms with it, both of you can. Trust me," Stefan said.

"So, if Klaus is half original wolf-"

Bonnie cut Damon off, "An original vampire."

"Then, how did he activate his curse after being turned into a blood-sucking freak?" Damon asked.

"That's the mystery of it all, Damon. And frankly, I'd prefer if we just left it at that. We already have a lot on our plates," Bonnie said. "Our main goal is persuading him to give us some of his blood."

"Persuasion is cliche, Bon-Bon," Damon said. A smirk soon appeared on his face.

Stefan looked at his brother and could already tell that he had a mischievous plan in mind. "Damon, if you think that-"

"Hush, brother. What I'm thinking is simple. When Klaus least expects it, we stab a stake through his chest, and we'll get just enough blood to feed our lifeless blonde friend over here."

Bonnie thought about it for a moment. Damon's plan was foolish but also the quickest and easiest thing that made sense at the moment. The only problem was the fear of how this plan could end. Either Klaus would bring misery into their lives, which he was already doing OR he'd kill them right then and there. Something had to give because time was running out. It wouldn't be long before their dear Care-Bear would be in a casket.

"Fine," Bonnie said. "But we need a plan."


Bonnie and Stefan approached the Mikaelson home. Within two seconds, Rebekah opened the door. Once the two took foot into the house, Rebekah slammed the door behind them.

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