Bursting Balloon

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Bonnie turned around, rapidly, to see Kol: the youngest son of the original family. "What do you want?" She turned back around and continued walking to get away from him.

"What I want is to kill you and your stupid friends, but I guess all our needs can't be met," He replied. Bonnie fastened her steps. Every bone in her body wanted to kill him right then and there, but of course, she didn't know how. Kol vamped sped in front of Bonnie. He was a vampire for heaven's sake. How far did Bonnie think she could get before he'd catch up to her? "Why is a beautiful girl like you walking amongst others with nothing but sadness portraying itself on your face?"

Bonnie didn't answer him. She just stopped and stared at him. He was blocking her from passing. "Can you move out my way?"

Kol scoffed. "You could at least say please."

Bonnie scoffed. She refused to ever use the word, please, with Kol. He wasn't worth being kind to. She made her way around him and continued walking. "You are so annoying," she said. 

Kol put a hand to his chest. "I'm quite offended, Bonnie. I thought you enjoyed each time I'd pop up once in a while to check up on you."

Bonnie cocked a brow at that. "I can't enjoy the presence of someone I hate."

"Aww. I hate you, too. But I enjoy your presence," he said. "But since you don't feel the same way, I guess I'll leave you to mope about in the streets, clearly sad. Cheerio!" By the blink of an eye, he was gone. 

Bonnie only rolled her eyes and continued walking. It was times like these that made her wish she had a car. 


Bonnie arrived home. She took her keys out of her bookbag and used them to unlock the door. As soon as she stepped foot into the house, she jumped onto the couch, kicking her feet onto the table. She clicked the remote to her favorite show.

"At least you make me happy," she said, to the animated show playing on the television. 


A knock impeded on the door. Bonnie threw her head back in annoyance. "Who could it be now?" She stood up from the couch. "I'm coming," she exclaimed as she walked over to open the door.  Bonnie looked out the window to see Caroline. She opened the door. 

"I wanna make sure that you're okay," was the first thing Caroline said to her dark-haired friend. 

"I'm fine," Bonnie said. She stepped aside, allowing Caroline to walk in. 

"You're obviously not," Caroline said to the obvious look of annoyance on Bonnie's face. "I know you hate Damon and you're allowed to. He killed your mom, your grams, and almost tried to kill you..."

"Thanks for reminding me," Bonnie said, sarcastically. She closed the door behind the blonde. 

Caroline ignored the attitude. She knew Bonnie was pissed. "Well, he said he's sorry."

Bonnie scoffed. "Damon's never sorry, Caroline. I mean, out of everyone, you should understand." Damon was the reason that Caroline was a vampire. Bonnie regretted her use of words when she saw the hurt look on Caroline's face. "I'm sorry, Care. It's just that Damon has taken a lot from me... my happiness. My grams was the one person who made my life worth living and now she's dead...because of Damon. It's insane how much I protect everyone's heart except my own."

The blonde pulled the Bennett witch in for a hug. "Bonnie...you're my best friend, and I love you. I never knew you felt this way," she said. 

"I feel a lot of things, alright?" Bonnie said, pulling out the embrace. Caroline blinked back. Bonnie rarely showed her emotions because she was numb. And now that she had just opened up to Caroline, she felt entirely embarrassed. "I'll follow you back to the house." Bonnie walked out, leaving Caroline behind to close the door. 

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