Drinks and Drama

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"I do not have a blood bag stash, so cranberry juice will have to do," Bonnie said as she set the two glasses on the table.

Damon rolled his eyes. "Of course, mini Klaus doesn't keep a stash. He likes it straight from the vein, huh?"

Bonnie sighed, looking down. "Actually...Kol and I broke up, and he took all his stashes with him." Damon's eyes widened, and shock wore on his face. Bonnie picked up on it. "Yeah. We broke up like two weeks ago."

Caroline gave him a side-eye. "Damon is an idiot because I already told him," she said. "He's just playing dumb."

Damon pssh'd. "You didn't tell me anything."

"Uh, yeah, I did. You just weren't listening...as usual," Caroline hissed. "That's why Davina called us here."

Bonnie narrowed her eyes, turning to Davina. "And how'd you get their numbers?" She asked.

"I got it off your phone while you were sleeping. I figured you needed your friends and not just me," Davina said, already knowing what Bonnie was thinking. "I'm going to go back to sleep." She grabbed her book off of the counter and headed to her room.

Bonnie watched as Davina walked away, thinking, I love her. "Well, I'm happy you guys are here 'cus it's been a while, and I missed my day ones," Bonnie said. Caroline and Damon smiled. "Where's Elena?"

"In Mystic Falls," Caroline said.

"Working her ass off," Damon finished. Sometimes, Bonnie forgot that Elena was a medical doctor, which meant her job schedule wasn't as flexible as Caroline's or Damon's if he did something with his life.

"And Stefan?" Bonnie questioned.

"Still gone, but not for long. Stefan will be back soon; he just needed a...break, I guess," Caroline said.

Bonnie wouldn't ask too many questions about his whereabouts before Caroline emotionally broke down. And not crying, but ranting. "How are the twins, Caroline?"

"They are doing great. Just growing by the day..." Caroline trailed off. She didn't want to blurt it out but was too curious. "Why'd you and Kol break up?"

"I tell you all the time, Caroline; the more you ask stupid questions, the more I see you as a dumb blonde. And we don't want that, now, do we?"

"Shut it, peabrain," Caroline said. "I asked Bonnie, not you."

Damon took a sip of his cranberry juice and licked his lips. "Well, the answer's pretty obvious. Bonnie must have seen him for the true asshole he is and decided enough is enough. So, she broke up with his ass, then sang to Taylor swift for days. And that's why instead of comforting her as she cries and gets snot all over our shirts, we're here...drinking cranberry juice."

Caroline hated to admit it, but-- "Why does that sound accurate?"

Bonnie folded her arms over her chest. "It isn't," she said. "Kol and I broke up because our relationship just didn't work. My job is very important to me and requires much attention. Don't get me wrong, I loved Kol, and frankly, I still do, but..."

Caroline pressed for more. "But?"

"The universe just had different plans," Bonnie said.

Caroline and Damon looked at each other, sensing Bonnie's sadness as she reminisced on how she ended things with Kol. They could tell that she missed him dearly, and the last thing they wanted was that.

"Breakups are never easy, but there are ways to ease the pain," Caroline said.

Damon pursed his lips and set the glass on the table. "We'll take you out for a drink or a few."

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