Bad habits & Mixed signals

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"Kol!" Bonnie exclaimed, knocking on the door urgently. "Hurry up! We gotta go!"

It had been a week since Bonnie and Kol had last seen each other face to face. Despite their argument, they kept in touch through Facetime and texts. During their "break," Bonnie had time to think about some things. Firstly, her sister. Bonnie wanted to figure out how to approach her and build a relationship even though she had made no effort to see Alexis since the last time they spoke. And, then there were two, Bonnie and Kol. Bonnie really wanted their relationship to work and was willing to fight for it, no matter the hardships.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Kol replied as he hastily pulled on his jeans.

"What is taking you so long? I called you an hour ago to get ready and you're stalling!" Bonnie complained.

Kol, growing annoyed, retorted, "Maybe if you would tell me where we were going, then I would have gotten ready quicker."

"You know what? I'm coming in!" Bonnie twisted the doorknob. It opened.

Kol stumbled on his jeans, falling to the ground. His eyes widened as he saw Bonnie leaning against the doorway with a smile. "Uh, hi," he waved.

"Why are you struggling to put on pants, Kol?" Bonnie asked, waltzing into the room.

"Uh, because, I, uh-" Kol started.

Bonnie rolled her eyes. "Just stand up." Kol stood up and properly put on his pants.

"I think we have issues, Kol," Bonnie blurted out.

"You think?" Kol chuckled as he put on his shirt. "Was our argument a week ago not enough to confirm that?" He looked down, buttoning the shirt.

Bonnie raised a brow in annoyance.

"Sorry, darling. But, yeah, I agree," Kol conceded.

"At first, I said it because I was emotional, but now, I think it could help us," Bonnie rambled.

Kol, squinting at Bonnie, tried to understand what could "help" them. "What is it?" He asked.

Bonnie smiled nervously, biting her lip. "Couples therapy," she said.

Kol's face went serious, blinking back. "Couples therapy," he repeated, making sure he heard right.

Bonnie hummed, nodding.

Kol's lips folded into a slight frown. "I know we've had our arguments and stuff, but we're not like in complete trouble, are we?"

Bonnie shook her head. "No, of course not," she said. "I just think that any couple that's doing what we're doing could use some professional advice. Especially now that I have to grapple with having a sister and all." By "doing," she meant that she was a witch who saved multiple lives, and Kol was an ex-vampire with more enemies than he could count.

Kol's eyes softened, almost like a sad puppy. Couples therapy freaked him out more than it should have, mainly because he was never used to opening up to anyone.

Bonnie, sensing Kol's hesitation, tried to convince him. "We're just talking. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that, right?"

"A tune-up, you mean? Well, if that's what you wanna do, then sure, yeah. Let's try it," Kol stammered, not very convincing.

Bonnie jumped and clapped. "Great, 'cause we've got an appointment in 20 minutes. I'll go put my jacket back on," she said, quickly running out of the room, excited.

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