Dangerous Lies: Pt 2

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Bonnie ran after Kol. The breeze felt cold, despite the hot evening weather. The roads were damp and smelt of wet tar. It was very obvious that he wasn't acknowledging her presence. Once Bonnie got close enough to catch up with his pace, she grabbed his wrist, which certainly caught his attention. Kol pulled his arm out of her touch. Bonnie looked down at his arm, then at him. 

"What's the matter with you?" she questioned. 

Kol scoffed, "You have a brain, figure it out" he said walking to get away from her. 

"Is that your game, to make me feel bad? Look, if it's because I walked out on you tonight, I am sorry, it wasn't my goal to ruin your night" she said. Bonnie stopped walking, she felt like she was talking to a rock, "Are you even listening to me?". Kol stopped walking and turned around to face her. 

"What came over you back there? Why did you hurt Damon?" she questioned. 

"Because, he hurt you" he said subtly. Bonnie was a little taken aback, and sort of confused with his statement. That's when it hit her. He knew. Kol knew that Damon had killed her. "What? How did you--".

Kol sighed in frustration, who was she trying to protect? The truth had already been revealed. 

"Klaus told me. Were you seriously not going to tell me?" he questioned with irritation. Bonnie folded her arms and stood there quietly, avoiding eye contact with the original. "Don't play dumb. At least have some integrity. Perhaps you should leave me alone, I'm not in the mood to argue" he continued.  

Her brows drew together, "I didn't tell you because I knew what the outcome would be. I knew you'd go after him and do something stupid that'll just make things worst" she said in a wise, calm, slightly scornful manner. Kol cocked his head to the side; almost as if he didn't understand what she had just said. 

"I thought you trusted me" he said in a candid tone. 

"I do trust you, Kol. What I can't trust is your probable inability to respect my decisions. Even if I were going to tell you, there's no way I'd tell you this night. Tonight was supposed to be our night, even though I kind of ruined it" she said, some part of her feeling ashamed of herself.

Have I ever given you a reason to not trust that I'll respect your decisions? Kol thought to himself. 

Kol chuckled, "It's quite funny actually, usually when you do someone a favor,"-- By favor, he meant beating Damon's ass-- "they thank you instead of complaining and going on about how terrible of a person you are".

Bonnie rolled her eyes at his response, he was interpreting her words the wrong way. She didn't want to waste her time arguing with a pissed Kol Mikaelson who clearly had too much to drink. His demeanor was totally off. Yes, Kol had a very ridiculing personality that he portrayed, that's just who he was, but right now, his remarks were infuriating her because he was doing more talking than listening. Somehow, she was still able to keep her composure. 

Bonnie shook her head in dissent; knowing that this conversation was far from going anywhere. "I'm sorry, did Damon kill you or me? Oh right! he killed me...therefore, I get to decide whether I want to share that with you or not. I'm not obligated to tell you anything" she hissed. 

Kol raised his hands in exasperation, "Oh, you're angry, are you? Join the party" he said sarcastically. "You know what? I am sorry, Bonnie Bennett. I am sorry for going after the man who killed you. I am sorry for sticking my nose into something that was not my concern. I am sorry, for being the one person in your life, you can't seem to get a hold of; a person who cares" he continued.

Bonnie held his gaze, this was the most brutally honest he had ever been with her and frankly speaking, it sort of hurt. "I'm going to assume that's the alcohol speaking and not you" she mumbled. She raised her eyes to meet his, "I don't need you to fight my battles for me, Kol" she said with calm, yet slight anger. 

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