Fingers Crossed

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"I probably would've been dead now if you hadn't swooped in and saved me. So, thank you," Bonnie said.

"Don't mention it," Rebekah said as she dusted her hands. "It's been a while since I kicked some butt. Frankly, after doing so, I realized I missed it a lot more than I thought it did."

Bonnie chuckled at that. She looked down at all the vampires, some dead and some unconscious, on the floor. "Do we just leave them here?"

Rebekah's brows furrowed. "Of course," she said. "What? You want to bring one home for Hayley."

"Hayley already has her serial-killing vampire," Bonnie said casually.

Rebekah cocked a brow in questioning. "And who exactly would that be?"

"I'll let you figure that out by yourself," Bonnie said, patting Rebekah's shoulder. "Right now, we have bigger issues at hand."

Rebekah sighed, ignoring the situation. She was the only one left to find her knight in shining armor. "Let's find the others," she said.

They began walking, stepping over body after body. Suddenly, the two were interrupted by a clipped clap, the familiar giggle behind them.

"I am getting major deja vu right now," Bonnie said lowly as she and Rebekah turned slowly to see Dr. Behling. She felt like she was living the same event from earlier on repeat, which she was.

"I hope I am not interrupting anything," Dr. Behling said, hands held behind his back and a coy smirk on his face.

"Who are you?" Rebekah asked. In the back of her mind, she got a bad vibe from him.

"I am Dr. Behling, the man who wants your entire family dead, including you, Rebekah."

"How do you-"

"How do I know who you are?" Dr. Behling finished asking the question for her. "I've studied the entire Mikaelson family for years. And a face as stunning as yours is quite memorable."

Bonnie looked him up and down, thinking, gosh, he is such a womanizer.

Rebekah snarled, eyes livid as ever. "I will kill you before you can even try to lay a finger on me or anyone else in my family again." She charged for him.

"Rebekah, don't!" Bonnie exclaimed. Meanwhile, Rebekah already had her hands wrapped around his throat. "We need to know why he wants to kill you guys. Maybe he knows something that we don't."

"You guys?" Dr. Behling questioned, his voice hoarse. Barely any air could get to his lungs. "Did you forget that I want you dead too, Bonnie? I think you should rephrase your sentence into the first person by using 'us' instead of 'you guys.'"

Rebekah squeezed her hands even tighter around his neck. "Watch it, smartass."

"Give us answers. You'll live," Bonnie said.

Dr. Behling looked at Bonnie, then Rebekah. Was he scared of them? No. Was he scared of what they could do to him? Yes. But Dr. Behling was a; you-only-live-once kinda guy. "I'd rather die," he stated as he stared intensely into Bonnie's eyes.

"We give you an ultimatum. You refused it?" Rebekah questioned with squinted eyes, a little taken aback. "Gosh, you are one hell of an idiot." She punched him in the face. Everything around him was blurry until it had all just become black.


"Wake up, asshole," Kol said as he kicked Dr. Behling's leg. "You've had more than enough rest.

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