underfell sans x reader (lenghty chapter) FINAL! (probably)

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An: so I started writing this when I was 12-13 lol but oh I'm 17 now so let me take one last go on a nice long story! I have work tommorow morning and it's late but I'll be okay!!
Did I get better with writing probably not but oh well

Pov y/n

You were hanging out with your best friend underfell sans at his house you guys did this more often but tonight was different, his boyfriend just broke up with him a week ago. "I fucking hate him! (Classic) Sans can go suck a fucking dick" he said as he flipped his body on the couch and face planted on a pillow just to scream in to it. "Aw sans... I'm here for you..." You said as you got up "I'm gonna make some coffee you want some?" Sans grumbled a 'yes' from out the pillow and you walked to the kitchen where you started Making coffee. As the coffee was getting made you checked the fridge for chocolate, chocolate is always good for heartbreak you thought to yourself. You heard a Beeb signaling the coffee was done so you closed to fridge door behind you and walked to get the mug of coffee and chocolate to sans. "Hey saaans I got you chocolate!! Ya know it's basically medicine." You shrugged. "I don't like sweet things.." you rolled your eyes. "I know that you allways mention that you fucking emo it's dark chocolate." You handed him his coffee and chocolate. "Thank you..." He groaned, you knew he was just pissy cuz his boyfriend broke up with him tho. "Well u wanna watch a show? We can watch whatever you like!" He stared of for a bit before replying. "Mm no... All of my favorite shows I watched with him...." You thought for a bit on how to cheer him up but. "Come on let's go cuddle puppies!" He broke out in laughter. "Do I look like the guy who cuddles fucking puppies HAHAHAHAHA" your jaw practically hit the floor in shock. "WHAT DO YOU HATE PUPPIES?!" he shook his head. "No no offcourse not but I don't go out of my way to cuddle them..." I grabbed his hand forcefully pulling him off the couch. "We are gonna cuddle puppies I demand we do! It helps I promise!!!" You exclaimed excitedly while practically dragging him out the door. "But y/n we haven't even drank our coffee yet!" You just kept going. "Doesn't matter they have a puppy cafe nearby and we are going." You kept dragging him to the destination. "Ugh fine!!!!" He was so grumpy but you knew this would help you've known him for years now he was dating sans for about 2 years before they broke up and you knew it really was hurting him but you also knew puppies are the cure for everything. "Here we are!!" You walked in with him and you where greeted by a bunch of puppies you knew the owners quite well as they were child hood friends of yours u helped them with the puppies sometimes so you knew them all by name but you did secretly have a favorite who was Luna an American bulldog xxl. She was such a sweetie she came running up to you wagging her tail happily jumping on top of you. "Hey y/n! I got you and your friend a coffee! On the house offcourse!" The owner gave you two a cup of coffee each. "Thank you so much you know me so well haha!" You smiled, sans seemed happier already being surrounded by a bunch of puppies. "Actually you know how we Foster puppies and find them good homes after? Some poeple have been wanting to adopt Luna but you seem to be her favorite person and want you to adopt her if you want!" You gasped. "YES OMG A THOUSAND TIMES YES I WOULD LOVE TO!" She smiled at you. "Well that's settled then I'll get her stuff ready and you can take her home today I'll give you some food aswell so you can go to the store in a few days. She needs a special kind of food because she's allergic to grains keep that in mind!" You chuckled. "I know that haha." She sighed. "I know you know but I just want what's best for her you know just like I do with all our puppies, anyways would you two like some food? Wich is offcourse also on the house!" You smiled. "You know you don't have to right? We can pay." You smiled. "No I insist you really help us when ever you can and you never ask anything back for it this is the least we can do I assure you it's fine." She smiled. Sans was busy cuddling puppy I guess he is the guy who likes to cuddle puppies he didn't even get a hint of what's happening in this conversation he's to distracted. "I would like two slices of chocolate cake then." She nods as she leaves to get our two slices of cake. "So sans is it helping?" He plays with the puppies happily. "Mhm! Puppies!!!" You smiled as he seemed much happier, you had to admit he was very cute. You allways sorta had feelings for him that you just tended to hide away not knowing what to do with them, he had a boyfriend at that time after all and now he's recently single you can't immediately hit on him what if he didn't even like you back why where you even thinking about this. You just kept denying your feelings but the more you looked at him play with those puppies the more attracted to him you became. Ugh men and puppies tho.. perfect combination.. especially if that men was sans.. you got snapped out of your thoughts by her bringing you the two slices of chocolate cake. "Thank you so much." You looked back at sans and smiled. "Hey dummy I got you chocolate cake." He jumped up at the words chocolate cake and ran to our table. "Thank you y/n!" He sat down and happily began Munching on his chocolate cake u were happy you could make him smile again. After all you were sad when he was and you where happy when he was. He meant the world to you if only he knew how much. You have thought about telling him. You have thought about it so much you've stayed nights up crying about just how confused you where you had felt ashamed cuz he had a boyfriend..who are you kidding you still feel ashamed you shouldn't think about this stuff he and (classic) sans just broke up! You gave yourself a mental facepalm. "What you thinking about y/n?" Sans snapped you out of your thoughts. "Uh well I just sorta impulsively adopted Luna..." He raised an eyebrow. "U mean the grey bully?" You nodded. "Mhm.." you bit down on a piece of cake. "SO WE WILL HAVE A PUPPY?" he exclaimed excitedly. "Yes 'we' will have a puppy." He basically did a small little happy dance in his chair. "OMG!" the owner came back with all the stuff for Luna and a leash. "Once ur ready to leave you can just take her after singing these papers" she left the papers and a pen on the table and I singed them. "Ready to go." Sans nodded and I leashed Luna. "Let's go girl!" I took her home with me and sans smiled he genuinely seemed happy. "How did you know..?" he asked. "Know what?" I opened the door and Luna ran happily inside instantly jumping on the couch. "Knew that the puppies would help.." you ploffed down on the couch Luna instantly cuddling up to you getting comfy. "Well animals allways helped me that's why I volunteered at the puppy cafe for a bit. They helped me through my toughest of times so I thought it would help you." He smiled. "Heh I guess it did." He pet Luna. "She's such a sweetie.." you nodded. "Yeah she's my favorite." He laughed a bit. "I thought I was your favorite." He winked. "W-well.." you blushed a bit as that was very unexpected. "I was joking y/n. I know nothing beats puppies." Haha yeah totally it's not like I have a FUCKING crush on you. You thought to yourself. "Yeah haha puppies huh." Fuck.. what are you doing y/n get yourself together. Sans his phone rang. "Oh great it's classic what does he want from me..." His mood seemed to be ruined instantly. "Ye hello?" He said as he picked up. "What do you want?" He sounded really mad. "I wanna get back together with you breaking up with you was the biggest mistake of my life!" Your heart sank a bit he wouldn't agree right? Not after everything that he did?.. "offcourse baby! I still love you I missed you so much!" As he said that your heart completely shattered. You knew it was to early to ask him out not like you ever would you wouldn't dare you didnt even know if you had a chance in the slightest but then why did it still hurt so bad. "I love you!" Classic said. "I love u to baby I'll go to u rightnow!" He hung up. "You heard that y/n! Today was awesome I got to cuddle puppies and my boyfriend and I are back together!" You swallowed the tears back and forced a smile. "YEAH that's so awesome!" You basically said through your teeth. "I know right! Imma go tho but thanks for everything!" He left quickly and you broke down in tears as soon as you heard the door slam shut. This really hurt. You tried so hard to make him happy and he forgives classic in a finger snap.. what's that about. You just sobbed in to a pillow while searching comfort in to Luna. She was sure a great puppy. As the days went off you kinda distanced yourself from sans. Not like he asked you to hang out often anymore he was busy with classic. Well u were atleast happy he was happy.. but where you really? You only went outside now to walk Luna and buy her food when ever needed. You didn't have the energy to cook anymore so sometimes alphys brought you noodles or sometimes food her girlfriend undyne made with papyrus. she knew about your feelings for sans and what happened between you two she  is the only one that knows. But usually you just ordered take out you did appreciate the help of your friends tho but didn't really wanna talk to them either. Honestly you felt like you where slipping at this moment. A few months went by with barely any change nor communication with sans. You hated this untill he called you you picked up. You heard his voice crying on the other side he usually never cries something really bad must have happened. "He fucking cheated on me y/n! How fucking dare he! With that fucking bastard error sans!" You sighed. "You can come over I'll get coffee ready.." he hung up and you got up to get coffee running he didn't live that far away from you he would be here within 10 minutes. After a bit you heard the door ring and you opened it being greeted by sans crying instantly hugging you. "I'm so sorry..." He sobbed in to your arms. "It's okay..don't worry." You took him in handing him coffee and Luna instantly ran up to him getting comfortable near his lap. "I shouldn't have trusted that good for nothing asshat!" You just hugged him and shushed him. "It's okay don't worry..Im here for you like I allways am." A moment went by before he calmed down and noticed the atrocious state your house was in it was a real mess pizza boxes everywhere dirty plates and dishes everywhere. "What happened..." You looked away kinda embarrassed. "I just haven't been doing so well...that's all..." Sans looked away knowing it was kinda his fault he felt guilty for not being there for you he didn't know you needed him that much. "I'm sorry.." you looked away. "It's fine I promise...you need a place to sleep you can crash on the couch if you don't mind the mess.." he smiled. "I don't mind thank you I would love to stay over. I could help you clean if you want.." you thought for a moment. "You don't have to...I should be able to do it myself.." he pet Luna. "Then why don't you do it." You sighed. "Cuz I can't..I don't have the mental energy or motivation and with each passing day the mess worsens and I get even less motivation..." He smiled and hugged me. "I'll help you...like you helped me." He started cleaning up. "You don't have to..." He kept going. "To bad I will!" You smiled appreciating it you started helping and with an hour it looked completely clean. "Thank you for helping me.." he just smiled. "Offcourse y/n anything for you!" You blushed a little. You shouldn't feel this way your gonna get hurt again y/n don't be stupid! "I appreciate it sans.." you put your head on his shoulder and smiled. Stop doing this to yourself you are gonna get yourself hurt! Ugh why are feelings so complicated... He put on a show for you two to watch and you eventually nodded off he lifted you up and carried you In your bed. "Goodnight y/n.." he tucked you in and left to go sleep on the couch. The next morning you walked downstairs and got greeted with the smell of eggs and bacon. "Smells nice!" He smiled. "Yeah I'm making us breakfast!" You sat down at the table waiting to be served the food. "Thank you sans!" A few months went by of you two living together you appreciated the help with the puppy and he just didn't wanna go back to his brother seeing as he could be...well.. mean.. your feelings grew stronger and stronger for him classic tried to appoligize to him and stuff but sans was over his bullshit and just blocked him on everything. You still didn't know how to handle your feelings tho it was really hard for you to deal with these sorta feelings. You never liked someone this much nor this long before. You wanted to confess to him and asked for advice to alphys and undyne but they weren't much help you just decided to tie Luna a note around her collar and send her to sans. You wrote a note that follows: "Hey sans I never know how to talk about feelings.. I'm not good at it nor never was.. I'm not good at feelings in general.. but I just know I really like you and I've never felt this way for someone before I wanna continue making you happy every day and I've liked you for so long now! You don't need to feel the same I just wanted you to know and I hope it doesn't change anything between us.. I really really like you.. I'm kinda rambling on aren't I? Anyways I think ur cute bye-Y/N" ugh a stupid note whatever it's the best I can do.. you tied it around Luna's collar patiently waiting in the kitchen. "What's this?" Sans walks in to the kitchen holding up the note. "Uh did u read it.." he nodded. "Yeah how long have you felt this way.." I looked away blushing being really nervous. "3 years or something...it never really faded..." He blushed. "I don't think I feel the same..." You where heart broken once again tears welling up your eyes. "O-oh okay I'm sorry.." you went upstairs quickly so you could just ploff in to bed crying your eyes out you finally told him and the worst that could happen happened you didn't know what to do you where panicking absolutely sobbing. You closed yourself off in your room for a few days sans tried to talk to you but you just kept sending him away he did say he was taking care of Luna so at the moment you where happy he was still here. You felt ashamed that you weren't able to take care of yourself now let alone Luna you where trying tho. Untill Luna walked In a week later with a note around her neck you opened it and read it. "Hello y/n this is Luna speaking to you sans has been taking good care of me he doesn't give me many treats tho he says im spoiled (I'm not) anyways he told me that in the moment when you send that letter he didn't know how to react he actually does really like you he just doesn't know how to show it cuz he is scared to get hurt again maybe just like you are. Anyways I love you and you should give me more snacks did I mention that yet?" You giggled as sans walked in admitting that was very cute of him. "That was adorable sans." He blushed. "Ahw dont call me that.."  you planted a kiss on his cheek and felt like you where finally gonna have your forever happy after you smiled holding his hand.

Writers note:

So this was on hell of a journey (I still get notifications daily of this book it haunts me/lh)

Anyways I wrote this 5 years ago (lots of time I know) anyways I wanna thank you all for reading this book! I loved writing this book honestly and Undertale still means a lot to me! I never expected so many poeple to read this book and I wanna thank you all for going on this journey with me

Till we meet again.


Word count: 3019 words

undertale sans x reader oneshots (english)Where stories live. Discover now