Undertale! Sans X Insomnia! Reader

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Reqeusted by: im sorry i forgot

Y/n pov

You were in sans and papyrus house papyrus allowed you to sleep in his bed and papyrus would sleep in sans bed and sans would sleep on the couch. Papyrus didnt want you to sleep in sans messy room and sans didnt want you to sleep on the couch. You were making youre bed ready and to go to sleep. You dropped youre self in the bed. After a long while you fell assleep. You had insomina so you often had nightmares and it was hard for you to fall assleep. You woke up screaming and sweating. Papyrus woke up and ran to youre room. "y/n are you allright? It was Just a nightmare.." he hugged you. You nodded and After a while he left you didnt want to bother him and you didnt want to go back to sleep so you stayed awake. You heard a knock on youre door. "Who is there?" "yuno." "yuno Who?"  "yuno Who it is." you did know the only one That made terrible puns was Sans. "Come in.." Sans walked in. "are you all right papyrus told me you had a nightmare.." you nodded. "yeah im fine.." "then why are you awake?" "you woke me up..." he sighed. "y/n.. If i woke you up youre response on My knock would be different.." "yeah i guess youre right.." you sighed. "damn insomina.." "guess were in the same boat heh.." "do you have insomina...?" you looked at Sans and he nodded. "yeah.. It kinda sucks.." he walked over to you and sat down on youre bed. "it does..." you hugged him and he deicded to lay down next to you. He held you in his arms. "i love you Sans..." he smiled. "i love you to y/n.." you both fell asleep.

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