Error! Sans X Reader

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A/n: i hope you guys like this enjoy!

Y/n pov

How long have you bin here you didnt know The walls were White the roof was White everything was White you have lost sense of time. There was one cool thing tho it was a Black skelleton with error Sings it looked really cool he had all kinds of Puppets you actually had a little crush on him but you didnt want to tell him. "hey y/n Come take a look at this!" he had the AU outertale open on a screen. "im gonna destroy this AU." "its beautiful.." "hm?" "the starts are beautiful.." you looked at the screen. "wanna take a look first before i destroy it?" you nodded. He took youre hand what made you blush a little. "what are you blushing for i need to grab youre hand Just to go to the AU or you preffer me grabbing you with the cables!?" "I-its nothing.." you hated it when he was like That it hurted. "grmpf..." he took you to outertale and you sat beside him looking at the stars. You wanted to tell him how i felt but after what he Just Said when he took youre hand you was Almost sure he didnt feel the same. You shed a couple tears. "y/n whats wrong?" "Error?.." you sighed. "how do i tell someone i like them..." was That jealousy in his eyes? Before you could see it clearly it was gone. "just tell them.. Be honest with them.." he sounded a bit sad? "I-i like you..." you blushed and turned youre face. Im so stupid! You thought he would laugh at you or be mad at you but nothing happend. You turned youre face at him and he was blushing 10 shades of blue. You have never seen him blush before but it looked addorable. "youre blus-" before you could finish youre sentence he pressed his teeth against youre lips you blushed every shade of red. "i like you to y/n.." you smiled and hugged him. He looked kinda shocked cuz of the hug you released. "sorry... Forgot you didnt like to be touc-" again before you could finish youre sentence he hugged you tight. "its okay you can touch me..." you started to get cold so he put his jacket on you. "thank you.." he smiled and petted you. "no problem." you kissed his cheek and fell asleep on his shoulder. You woke up in the void again he was looking at outertale again. "didnt you destroy it yet?" he shook his head. "i Will never destroy this AU.." you was confused. "i thought you wanted to destroy every AU?" "yeah wanted.. This is the AU where i experienced love again in a very long time..." you hugged him. "youre cute you know.." he grabbed you with his strings. "dont call me cute!" he didnt do it to hard because he didnt want to scare you or hurt you he was just playing with you and you knew That. "Error?" you giggled. "cute." he smirked at you and tightend the cables a little bit more. "oh really?" you nodded. He dropped you and catched you. "fine but youre also cute.." he Flicked youre nose what made you giggle. "sure thing." you havent feel this in long you were very happy and so was he.

undertale sans x reader oneshots (english)Where stories live. Discover now