Undertale! Sans X Bullied! Reader

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Y/n pov

*flashback to kindergarten*

"hey you! Dont you have friends!" you looked up. "no i dont im New here! Maybe we can be friends?" they started laughing. "we dont want to be friends with you! Look at youre self!" you looked down. "oh.." "hey cut it off all ready!" a little skeleton stood infront of you. He was short but really cute. "if you dont want to be friends with her then Just leave her Alone! Because i do want to be friends!" they walked away and the skeleton sat besides you. "weirdos..." you heard them say. "hey my name is sans!" you smiled at him. "my name is y/n!" and thats how you became friends with him.

*highschool now*

You were pushed on the ground when they started kicking you and throwing youre books at you. This was happening for so long now but you didnt tell sans. Sans was youre bestfriend for years now you didnt want him to know you were hurt like this so you Just kept it inside. The Bullies walked away and you stood up walking to class again. "and Why are you late?" "i was lost sorry.." "hm sit down y/n." you sat besides sans. "y/n youre late again you were also late for biology math and english and you didnt arrive at all when we had geography.. Whats going on?.." "its nothing sans dont worry..." "y/n sans stop talking or im gonna Send you both to the princaple!" you and sans decided to be quiet you didnt want trouble. The Bell rang and you was running of to lunch avoiding sans. Sans pushed you against the wall. "y/n i know you damn to well you cant run away from me what is going on?" you hissed in pain by his touch. "i Will explain at lunch but please let go now.." "fine.." you walked to the cafetaria togeheter trying to come up with an excuse. You sat on a bench While taking a bite of youre Apple. "Why were you in pain when i pushed you against the wall did i hurt you?.." you shook youre head. "im gonna explain.." you took a deep breath. "sans..." you were so bad at lying so you hoped this worked. "im doing drugs... I smoke weed...and when i buyed some at geography class i got into a bit of trouble i didnt pay enough or something i dont know...and they kinda hurted...me... Thats why i was in so much pain when you pushed me against the wall...." he sighed. "dont lie to me y/n i dont know Why youre lying to me about this but youre gonna tell me the truth now!" "no sans... You dont need to know The truth..." the Bullies walked up to you and grabbed you at youre collar pushed you against the wall and slapped youre face. "y/n you knew what you needed to do! You werent suposed to have lunch you know!" "Let her go!" sans Said. "no!" they slapped you in the face again making sans blind with Anger. Sans threw the bully on the floor his eye was glowing blue with Fire and he had a gaster blaster beside him. "no? You sure about That!? You sure you want a bad time!?" "N-no were sorry!" he ran away and sans ran to you. "are you okay y/n!?" you nodded crying Hugging him tight. "y/n..." "sans... You deserve the truth... They Bullied me for many years.... And i didnt tell you because i didnt want you to see me hurt...." he cried onto youre shoulder. "y/n... I care so much about you.... You could have told me...." he kissed youre forehead making you blush. "i love you y/n.." "i love you to sans..." you felt yourself getting weaker. You were bleeding from youre shoulder the Bullief had cut you. "y-y/n!?" youre eyes closed and you felt nothing anymore. You opend youre eyes you saw a big White light. "where Am i?.." you felt weak. "the nurse i brought you here.." a hour later you got home again with sans and you fell asleep when he cuddled next to you. "i love you y/n...." "love you to sansy.." you smiled at him and fell asleep again.

undertale sans x reader oneshots (english)Where stories live. Discover now