underfell! sans x demon! reader

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a/n: i have a new laptop but my 'r' button doesnt work properly so if their is an r missing in a sentence you know why thanks for reading (yes this laptop wasnt bought new but it works fine for the rest) the stories are gonna be around 500 to 700 words long cuz i will end up being burnt out if i do it any longer thanks for understanding have fun reading

Y/N pov 

you lived with 2 monsters sans and papyrus they were your bestfriends since you fell they took care of you. but they didnt know you were a demon you were scared to tell them because when poeple found out they threw you into the underground. they were used to you being a human so you just let it go. you layed on the couch staring at the ceiling. "hey kid." sans smiled. you blushed you had to admit you had a giant crush on him. "hey sans!" you smiled at him. "another human fell in to the underground they are befriending everyone." you smiled. "thats awesome!" he looked away. "yeah my brother is allready testing them." he chuckled. "HEY SANS AND Y/N! I BROUGHT THE HUMAN WITH ME!" you looked at them they are wearing a striped shirt and they had a bandage on their knee. they smiled. "im Frisk!" you smiled back. "im Y/N" Sans looked at them. "hey kid im Sans." Frisk smiled and said hi. Frisk ended the pacifist route and everyone was free. then everything became a blur you woke up on the flower bed. "wait...werent you free...?" everything went as before. "s-sans i have to talk to you..." he looked at you. "werent we free? or was it all a dream.." "wait...you remeber the resets to?.." you looked at him confused raising an eyebrow. "w-what..?" he explained everything about the resets. "w-what...but we were free..." "not anymore kid..." you held your forehead pinching the bridge of your nose not knowing what was going on. "im gonna take a nap..." you layed down in one of sans his hoodies cuz he lend you one. you fell into a deep sleep. you woke up. "how long have i slept..." you looked around the house was awfullly empty. you went outside to look for them but you couldnt find them. weird you saw something red sticking out of a snowpuff. you walked towards it. it was papyrus his scarf and that wasnt a snowpuff....that was dust! "did the kid do a g-genocide..." you ran towards the judgement hall you hid behind one of the pillars. "kid you killed everyone i loved...." your breathing went heavier. you didnt know what to do. you where never really brave.... you looked at them fighting knowing sans wouldt keep this up way longer... you had to do something. they ran towards him with a knife it is now or never you have to stop being a coward you have to be brave. you ran infront of him the knife hit you. "Y?N?!" he was suprised to see you. "seems like i have forgot someone...heh.." your demon Wings and horns came out. you opened your eyes black goop came out of your eyes. "now the real batttle begins." you smirked slowly loing your sanity. "your not a human..." "sans is this really the time when you want to discuss what or who i am?" "yeah nevermind!" the battle begun and after a few resets you mannaged to defeat them you didnt know how but you did it. everything was back to normal atleast now he knew your secret. "sorry for not telling you im a demon.." he smiled. "its okay..." he kissed you taking you back by suprise but then you melted into the kiss. "i love yoou no matter what..." "i love you to...." you smiled and you were happy you could be yourself...finally...

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