Fresh! X Suicidal! Reader

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Y/n pov

I will never be good enough that's the truth.... Im annoying... Useless...... Worthless...... Whats my problem...... You drew the silver blade over your skin leaving marks you let out a sigh of relief when you saw the blood flowing. It hurt but it was nice. Your cheeks where stained from your crying you looked at yourself in the mirror and you were done you didn't want to live anymore but you knew you couldn't end it. You promised a really special someone. Fresh... He was allways happy... Collourfull..... But that was him on the outside... You knew he was pretending and he wouldnt even tell you what was going on.... He placed your happiness before his own.. You were so important to him..... But why..... Look at you your.... Well.... You.... And he was cute... And sweet...... And damn you had a crush on him...... You needed him to hold you..... He was in your doorstep of the room. "did you cut again...?" you looked at him not knowing he was there. "f-fresh..." he walked towards you and grabbed the blade away from you in one swift motion. "I told you to come to me...." he had tears in his eyes. "you have enough problems..." he sighed and hugged you "please y/n...." you sobbed in his chest you allways felt save when he was around. "I'm sorry...." "what happened?..." "I..... I...... Nothing......" "y/n stop lying...." you sighed he knew you to well....but being honest you were the worst liar there was.. "I just realized the truth......thats all..." "and that is...?" "that what ever I do I can never help you because you only hide your emotions..." you said as you took his glasses off his soul was in his eye and you have allways thought it was beautiful... It allways calmed you in some way... He never let anyone see it.... But only you could see it.... You were special to him....a couple days passed by and fresh demanded to be with you. "fresh...... I love you......" "I love you to y/n..." he gave you a smile. "no I love you.... As like..... I want you to be mine...... And I will be yours...." he sighed. "wanna know why I allways hide my emotions...." "mhm..." "because I don't have any...... Only with you I can feel emotions..... But I don't love you the same way......" your heart broke right there and then. "o-okay....." you stood up and ran to the bathroom crying. You waited for him to fall asleep. You filled up the bathtub and slit your wrist the bathtub started overflowing and you started to die.

Fresh pov

I woke up and looked at my phone. 4 am? Why is the bathtub running.. I decided to take a look since y/n wasn't there. I saw them in the bathtub liveless.... I called the ambulance and the ambulance came quickly. They took them to the emergency room I had to wait out side. I started pacing around. Why why..... Oh funk..... You funked up fresh.... You do love them..... But you didn't want to admit it..... Funk...... Mother funker..... After what felt like hours the doctor came out. "sir.. They are allive.. But... They are still weak..." I rushed in the room without thinking I grabbed their hand and I sobbed in to their chest. "y/n......"

Y/n pov

"y/n......." fresh...... Why.... I thought you stopped caring...... "how dare you trying to leave me like that!..." his voice was shaky. "f-fre-" before you could say anything he pressed his teeth on your lips you shared a kiss and his tears fell on your cheeks. "fresh..... Im so sorry...." "I do love you........ I just couldn't admit it...... Im sorry......" "shut up.... Please..... I love you...." you kissed him again. "please don't leave me again...." "I won't...." you smiled at him and you hugged for a while. "I love you so much fresh.". "I love you to.."

Fresh pov

I sat by their bed and held their hand.. They were in a coma... And I had no idea when they would wake up..... But damn do I love them........ And wish I never rejected them...... And damn do I hope they will wake up...... "I love you to.."

A/n: so this might be confusing but the part where fresh says he can't admit his love to you is basically what's going on in your mind in your coma so it never really happened. TwT

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