Undertale! Sans X Innocent! Child! Reader

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You lived with A short skeleton named sans a tall skeleton named papyrus and another human named chara. You was really happy with them they were nice to you even chara was nice to you she isnt a monster shes just misunderstood. "sans?" you played with youre fingers looking down. "yes sweet heart?" you blushed a little when he lifted youre Chin up with his finger. "W-what is sex? I heard mettaton talk about it.." his eye Sockets turned Black je had a slight blue blush and sweat beads dropped from his head. Was he nervous? Chara started lauging really loud. "explain the kid sans!" she laughed and fell on the ground. "s-sans Why is she lauging? D-did i ask something w-wrong?..." you were confused and felt some sadness Come up. "N-no kid its okay.." chara was Still lauging on the floor making you more confused. Papyrus came in the room with a confused look. "SANS WHY IS THE HUMAN LAUGING THIS HARD?!" "uhm..well paps.. Chara is lau-" "Y/N ASKED WHAT SEX IS AND SANS IS REALLY NERVOUS TO TELL Y/N!" chara was lauging so hard she cried. "Yes sans what is sex?" papyrus asked making chara laugh harder. "uhm...." "is it that bad sans?..." you asked and you were kinda scared. "N-no its Just..." he sighed. "fine i Will explain chara shut up now!" chara wiped away some tears. "well sex is something poeple do when they really love each other they have sex to create a New Child or Just for fun.." he looked really nervous and he kept explaining a bit. "Sans can we have sex?" he blushed madly and chara laughed again. "N-no..." you were confused. "b-but dont you love me then?.." "kid.." he took you on his lap. "look youre to young for sex okay and its something poeple do when they are in a relation ship but i do really love you okay?" papyrus went to his room he was confused about this. You nodded. "i love you to Sans." he Flicked youre nose making you Smile. He send a deathglare to chara when she was Still lauging. "okay sans i will stop." she giggled. You fell asleep in sans arms. "sweetdreams kid." you mumbled and 'i love you' and you could hear him say 'i love you to kid.'

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