Underswap! Papyrus X Transgender! Reader

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A/n: pronounce will be he/him ftm (female to male) if youre name is femine you can think of an different name you think is cool and masculine if youre uncreative with thinking of names (like me)  here are Some names: Jack, Kyle, Blake, Jake, James, Jay, Dan and Jayden'

Y/n pov

You put youre binder on and threw on a plain Black shirt to hide Some other curves you looked in the mirror and styled youre hair. When you came out to youre parents they werent supportive they kicked you out. Luckily you had an Older brother Who was supportive so you stayed with him he also got you this binder you were quite happy with him being so supportive. You walked downstaires and saw youre brother wasnt there that was kind of confusing to be honest he allways made sure to eat breakfast with you, youre brother hated eating alone so it was kind of strange. You decided to make breakfast you grabbed a pan from the lower cabinet you decided to make eggs with bacon. When you wanted to grab the eggs and bacon out of the fridge you saw there was a note attached to the fridge you scanned youre eyes over the note reading it slowly. 'y/n im on mount ebot i already ate dont worry about me greetings Jason' you were worried you heard the rumors about poeple never returning so you ran outside up the Mountain. The Mountain was beautifull the sight was amazing. You were distracted by the sight and you tripped falling in an hole. Later you woke up on a bed of Roses. They broke youre fall. You looked up. You couldnt escape from there. You walked forward. Till you saw a weird creature. 'hOi iM tEmMiE wElcOme tO tHe uNderGround!' the weird cat like creature kept explaining while you got lost in youre thoughts. 'PAy AtTeNTiOn tO TeM!' the creature named Temmie attacked you. 'hey stop that Hurts!' before you knew it a goat man safed you. His name was asgore you stayed with him for a while Till you decided it was time to go you wanted to go home. You were in snowdin now. You stumbled around for a while it was Cold and youre binder was killing you.  'human.. Dont you know how to greet a New pal? Turn around and shake my hand.' you turned around to see a tall monster it was a skeleton he had a cigarette in his mouth and a lazy look on his eyes. Before you could shake his hand you passed out from the Cold. You woke up on a green couch in a warm house. You looked around and the you heard a door open. 'im home!' it was a loud voice you didnt regonize. A small skeleton came in with a blue battle armor and a happy smile. He noticed you. 'mweh? Who are you?' you looked at his big currious eye sockets. 'i-im...y/n..' 'hello y/n! Im the magnifecent Sans!'  you giggled at his happiness. 'what kind of monster are you?' you thought for a moment. 'the worst kind.. A human..' what you Said was True humans were racist sexist and mean atleast most of them especially about monsters you heard what happend you heard things about the war and how humans hated monster and how dangerous they were but you didnt believe it. One of them had saved you from the Cold and sans was adorable and cute and didnt look like he could Hurt you. 'a human!? PAPYRUS I CAPTURED A HUMAN!' he seemed happy so you decided to play along. The tall skeleton from before walked in. 'i knew you could do it bro.' that must be papyrus. Youre stomach growled. 'oh no human! Are you hungry i can make Some tacos!'  before you could answer sans already ran into the kitchen. 'my name is papyrus papyrus the skeleton.' 'my name is y/n...' 'nice to meet you.' 'hey papyrus...the poeple of my town allways told me monsters where terrible but that isnt True right? Youre brother is so nice to me and so are you...nicer then a human will ever be..' 'so youre telling me human suck and since youre a human you also suck?' 'well pretty much not like i believed any of it because i never met a monster before so i wouldnt judge.. How can i hate someone while i havent met them...' papyrus sat back. 'you dont seem like a bad person ya know.. I dont think you suck..' sans ran in with a plate of tacos. You took a bite. 'thank you Sans they are dellicious.' 'mweh heh heh!'  he ran back in the kitchen. 'i know they arent that good you dont have to eat it i can take you to muffet later.' you shook youre head. 'well maybe the taste isnt perfect and maybe they are a little burnt i appraciate the fact that he made them with love and care and that is what makes it dellicious.' you smiled. 'thats really nice of you kid.' papyrus smiled. A few weeks had passed and you decided to stay with papyrus and sans. Sans took you with him to his training with alphys. All the monsters where kinda used to it now a human in the underground they stopped caring because they knew you where nice and because they were scared for papyrus. The training went well Till you had to dodge one of alphys Spears but what you didnt notice was that When you dodged it youre back was pressed to a sharp rock and When you dodged another one you had to dodge it with ducking (thats a word right?) down cuz it was right above youre head. The sharp rock cut through youre shirt and binder with ease youre back wasnt dammeged but youre binder was broken youre chest wasnt flat at this moment before anyone could see you ran away to snowdin making sure no one could see. 'Human!' you ignored sans you ran in to the house. 'hey kid why the rush?' you ran upstaires to papyrus his room and locked youre self in his room. It smelled so bad here. 'kid?' quiet sobs came from you papyrus heard them even tho they were quiet. 'kid you know i dont like it When youre in my room and i dont know why youre in my room and i know youre crying but this is my room so i will give you two options.. Or you let me in and we talk about what happend Or you Come out.' you sighed and ignored him. 'well then im gonna make the decision im coming in.' there is no way he can Come in the door was locked but before you knew it he was right infront of you. 'h-how..' 'magic now tell me whats wrong kiddo.' he sat down beside you trying to hug you but you didnt want him to notice youre chest so you pushed him away gently. 'thats allright no hugs it is still gotta tell me whats wrong tho.' you sobbed and hid youre chest. 'kid what are you hiding from me?' you shook youre head. 'well gotta see for my self then..' he used his magic to clench youre soul. And he pinned youre arms down to the wall he stronger then you. 'breast?' he looked confused and he let go you wanted to kick him but he dodged. 'i thought you were a dude...?' he was confused. You cried. 'i am a dude!' 'dudes dont have breast right?..' 'this one does.... Im transgender thats what you wanted to hear right how im not a "real dude" go ahead!' youre vision was blurry becuase of the tears. 'kid thats not what I meant i accept you and i will keep it a secret now tell me what happend so i can help you..' you hugged him sobbing in his chest telling him what happend. 'it was the only binder i had....' 'well kid monster arent transgender and im almost sure we dont really have binder but we might find an replacement..' he was willing to help you he started to look through his stuff When he found bandages he came back. 'will this work?' it didnt seem like he had knowledge about human ribs but you didnt blame him he atleast tried. You shook youre head. 'why not?..' 'everytime bandages stretch it will get tighter everytime i breath it will get tighter my ribs can break and in the worst case i can die...' hé threw them in his pile of socks. 'Well kid i dont really have anything else..' you sighed. 'its okay thanks for trying..' you heard someone running upstaires. 'papyrus!' it was sans he opened the door you had the Luck you wore one of papyrus his sweaters since they were really big. 'Human there you are! look what I found at waterfalls in the garbage dump!' he held up an binder. 'i have no idea what it is but since youre a human you must know right?!' it looked pretty New and it looked like it was youre size it must be youre first binder youre parents threw away. You started tearing up. 't-thats a binder..' papyrus looked at you. 'human are you allright?' you nodded. 'Sans please can i maybe have that?...' 'well im not sure... I really like it..' you explained why you needed it and why you ran away. 'Im so sorry human offcourse you can have this it was yours orriginaly anyways!' you hugged him from happiness you decided to wash it first since it was dirty but you really were happy. A month later you heard youre brother also fell in the Mountain you both decided to stay here with youre Friends and papyrus Who later became youre boyfriend. Monsters where better then humans even Temmie became a bit nicer to everyone atleast tried to be nicer.

A/n: a really long chapter cuz i havent really uploaded in a while (yeh yesterday but that one was really short and i didnt have enough inspirstion)  remember that youre loved even if youre gay Or trans i love every single one of you! Btw does anyone have Some magic trick on how to kill undyne in genocide man shes hard! 😂

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