Bitty! Underswap! Sans X Bitty! Underfell! Sans X Reader

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A/n: if you dont know what a Bitty is its basicaly a tiny human or in this case a monster but they are so cute and addorable! And i got the inspiration to do a Bitty x reader from RadGreenGurl she has a lot of bitty oneshots from undertale and also other undertale oneshots so check her out (she has a New account: Rad_Lez-LIE

Y/n pov

You decided to adopt a Bitty so you were going to the bitty store you walked in and got greeted by a woman. "hello i would like to adopt a Bitty." the woman led you to the back were you could choose a Bitty. "oh they all look so cute!" there were 2 That cought youre eye so Why the hell not you decided to adopt them both. "i would like these 2!" you looked at the 2 short skeletons one wearing a blue battle armor and one wearing a Black jacket and baseball shorts with sneakers. "oh uhm well.. Red is a little bit rude and... Blueberry.. is a bit exited all the time so they would cost a lot of time.." you smiled. "thats okay i have a lot of time!" you payed for them and took you to youre home you placed them in a little bitty room with funiture. "so Who the fuck are you." you looked down at the short skeleton named red. "im y/n and im gonna take Good care of the both of you!" "pfff.. You will abondan us like everyone did before anyways.." youre eyes widend. "no.. I wont i promise.." "we Will see.. Humans are Just giant shit bags anyways.." the other skeleton woke up. "HEY!" the woman was right he is exited. You chuckled at his exitement. "hey my name is y/n." blueberry smiled at you. "my name is sans but Just call me blue or blueberry!" you Smiled. "okay are you guys Hungry?" blueberry nodded. "yes!" you smiled. "and how about you red?" "i dont care." you frowned a little bit. "hey blue wanna go to the kitchen toghether so we can make you some food?" blueberry nodded and sat on youre hand. "TACOS!" you smiled at him. "okay." "oh by the way y/n?" "yeah?" "red is abandoned multiple times so he is really scared dont take it Personaly and he realy loves mustard!" you smiled. "okay blue." he also smiled. "thanks for the tacos!" you went up staires again to see red crying. "hey red are you okay." you sat blueberry on youre pillow. Reds eye sockets widend. "OFCOURSE I AM! DIPSHIT!" you sighed. "i got you some mustard i hope you like it." he looked at you. "thanks..." you smiled at him. "no problem." you gave him the mustard and you cuddled with blueberry. "H-hey y/n?.." red stuttered. "yeah?" "im sorry..." "its okay.." you picked him up and also cuddled with him carefully. "no..i was so scared you would leave me Just like everyone..." you kissed him fore head and blues fore head. "i wont leave any off you you guys are to special to me." they smiled. "i love you guys." "i love you to!" they Said in unision.

undertale sans x reader oneshots (english)Where stories live. Discover now