Swap! Ink! Sans! X Skater! Artist! Reader

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Reqeusted by: Scrappy2007
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Y/n pov

You were in the skatepark skating till you saw the Girl That was allways there (aparantly swap ink is a Girl so deal with it!) she was drawing she was all ways in the skatepark to draw. You decided to walk up to her. "heya!" "oh hello!" you smiled at her. "so what are you drawing?" you held you skateboard in youre hand. "oh nothing.." "oh okay well my name is y/n!" she smiled. "my name is ink!" you 2 started a converstation she was just really cute. God y/n get youre shit togeheter you Just met her! But her Smile her blush she was cute. "i have seen you skating youre Good at it." "oh thanks." you blushed. "i wish i could see youre drawings tho but if you dont want to Thats fine!" "oh i guess you can see one of them.." she showed you a beautiful drawing of you skating. "wow its Amazing.." you looks d at it in aw and you blushed cuz of the fact she drew you. "thanks.." "Why did you draw me?" "oh im sorry i was inspired by the way you skate and move.." "its fine i like it!" "really! You can have it!" you accepted the drawing and Hung it up on the wall at home. You 2 started talking way more and she was coming over today to youre house. You were in youre room drawing you never wanted to show youre drawings to anyone especialy not ink she was so much better than you she was like the mastress in art and you werent youre drawings were Good but not as Good as inks drawings. You had to admit you had a huge crush on her. Ink came in youre room youre mom must have let her in. "O-oh hey ink." you blushed everytime she was around. "hey y/n! Oh you didnt tell me you could draw!" "oh uhm i cant.." "BULL SHIT THIS IS REALLY GOOD ART!" she grabbed one of the drawings from the wall. "oh thanks youre way better tho.." you blushed and she also blushed. "oh what are you drawing!" youre blushing increased. "n-nothing!" "show me!" she grabbed it and had big star eyes looking at it. "wow y/n this is so cool! I love this!" she was blushing since it was a drawing of the two of you Hugging and confessing. You blushed asswell nervous for her reaction. She walked up to you and kissed you with her teeth on youre mouth youre Whole face was red and her face was a rainbow. "i love you.." "i love you to.." months later you had found a shocking drawing from ink it was a really sad drawing from a Girl with cuts on her arms. Why would she draw this. She was allways so happy.. Right? You confronted her about it and found out she was depressed and she drawed to Cope with her feelings. "i love you and im allways here for you.." "i love you to.. Thanks.."

A/n: what i read about swap ink is That its a Girl she looks like a mix of blueberry and ink with a scarf with a Black ink dipdye and shes depressed so she draws to Cope with it shes allways exited and bubbly like blueberry but sometimes sad and depressed so That was it i was confused at first but i kinda understand now so i hope i have the personality right!

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