gasterblaster!sans x reader

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A/n: sorry that I haven't uploaded much I kinda forgot and I was busy

Y/n pov

You sat on a bench in a park monster came to the surface but you weren't scared since your best friend frisk told you they were good and had no bad intentions. You missed them a lot but your happy they are back. You saw a partical monster that stood out to you he was wearing a blue jacket but had the skull of some kind of animal he also had a long tail. "Hey kiddo!" He walked up to frisk and you. "Hey sans! How is papyrus doing?" So his name was Sans noted. "Well papyrus has been upset lately since they didnt want him as a police officer but hes is with undyne a lot and she got taken as police so undyne is learning him a lot." "Ah okay oh this is my friend y/n." He looked at you and smiled. "I'm sans." He held his hand out and you took it. "Y/n.." you smiled. You guys talked for a while and you found out papyrus was his brother you felt bad for the poor dude. "Well he can be my bodyguard!" Sans looked at you. "He wouldn't make a good bodyguard.. to be honest..." you smiled at him "yeah but I dont need one either and thinking he is my bodyguard might make him happy!" "Well that's true...but if you hurt his feelings I will break all your bones.." "Sans dont threaten y/n they are a good person and wont hurt anyone!" "Yeah yeah allright." A couple months went by and papyrus was your bodyguard you didnt need one but he was happy being your body guard. "Y/n why do you need a body gaurd i didnt have to protest you a single time.." you smoked at him. "Thats cuz your such a great body gaurd! They dont wanna attack me cuz they know you will protect me!" Papyrus smiled. "Sans sans you know what the human told me?! They said they aren't being attacked cuz apparently they see me and know I'm gonna protect them!!" Sans smiled at papyrus and then at you. "How can you be a bodyguard if you don't even have a body?" "Was that a pun?!" "It might be but dont worry I have more actually I have a skele-ton!" "sans!" You giggled and the more you hung around with papyrus the more you were with sand you started to crush on sans the only one who knew was Frisk and they told you Sans wasn't the type to date anyone this made you a little upset but you moved on from it. But everytime you saw him you couldn't help to blush you liked him a lot.. "what are you thinking about human?" Papyrus looked at you. "Oh Its nothing..." you knew if you would tell him he would tell sans without even thinking about it.. "your upset human as body gaurd my job is to protect you and that also means I need to cheer you up when your sad so I the great papyrus wants you to know I'm allways here to talk!" You sighed. "Dont tell sans...but I like him a lot.....I love him..." papyrus seemed to be struggling a little. "What's wrong paps..." "sans told me I couldn't tell you but if I were you I should talk to him about your feelings..." you looked at him "alright....but if I come back crying I want a hug okay?.." "offcourse human as your bodyguard I promise you that my shoulder is here for you to cry on!" You smiled and went to sans. "Sans..." "yes kid what's up?..." "I....I developed feelings for you over the past months....and felt like you had to know...-" he shut you up with a kiss mid sentence. "Oh y/n.....I love you to...." started crying from happiness and then paps walked in to check on you. "Sans did you make the human upset!?" He picked you up and hugged you. "No paps it's fine I'm crying from happiness!" Sans smiled at papy "I would never do anything to upset them..." you all had a group hug and sans made some kind of cheesy pun. "sans I swear to asgore!" You chuckled.

If ya wanna talk to me go to my instagram: lazy_sack_of_bones

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