Nightmare! Sans X Reader

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Y/n pov

You and nightmare were best friends for a While now he didnt had many friends but he got along with you. You met him in a nightmare but you wasnt scared you were intrested you liked nightmares because well you liked everything That made youre heart race That Why you watched many horror movies and played many horror games. But there was just one thing you couldnt deal with about the fact you was bestfriends with him and That was... Well you were bestfriends with him.. You wanted more you liked him so much you fell in love with him, but you didnt wanna ruin the friendship by telling him so you kept it a secret. At first it was easy to keep it a secret but latley you Almost always blushes when you was with nightmare or if he touched you slightly even if it was on accident. It started to hurt you wanted to tell him so bad but you rather having this feeling then losing him. You cried in youre pillow nightmare wasnt home so it didnt matter how hard you cried. The feeling hurted so much.. You punched the wall out of frustration and youre hand bleeded a little. You screamed in agony but actualy right now you didnt care you cried. "y-yn?" nightmare was standing at youre door. "n-nightmare..?" "Why are you crying? Why is youre hand bleeding? Did someone hurt you?!" you shook youre head crying. He dat besides you and hugged you with his hands and tentacles the tentacles made you feel more secure.. "im fine nightmare..." "dont lie to me y/n!" and then it started youre words came out like a waterfsll all the words you wanted to tell him but kept inside youre heart till now you told him everything. "nightmare i really like you im in love with you..." "y/n... Why didnt you tell me?" he was blushing a little and so were you. "i didnt wanna ruin our friendship.." you cried out. "neither did i..." what do you me-" before you could finished he kissed you. You felt a bomb of butterfly explode inside of you. Finaly the pain you allways had released it was gone finaly. "i love you to y/n neither did i want to ruin it so i never Said anything.." he took you on his lap and he hugged you with his tentacles. "i love you y/n.." "i love you to nightmare..." you fell asleep calmly Still Being tired from the sleepless night you had before you cuddled into his arms and smiled. You really loved him and hé loved you to you was sure now and you was safe now.

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