Underfell! Papyrus X Depressed! Singer! Reader

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Y/n pov

You fell down in the underground. You were walking in snowdin right now you were freezing. You looked at someone behind you you grabbed youre knife in self defense. You knew the monsters here werent the nicest. You saw two skeletons they were arguing about something. "boss can we Just go back were not gonna find a human not today.." "NOT WITH THAT MENTALITY YEAH!" they looked at you. "A HUMAN!" "congrats boss.." the short one rolled his eye sockets. You held youre knife a bit tighter. "she has a knife boss..." "SO WHAT!" the skeleton jumped at you making you fall into the snow. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" you yelled you were scared and the cold was really getting to you. Before they could say anything back you passed out from the cold. "boss the human is unconious!" "were gonna take it home with us.." you woke up on a green couch. "are you okay?.." the short skeleton Said. You decided not to talk. "i asked you something!" you looked down. "SPEAK UP! " you shed a tear. "yeah..." you Said quietly. "Just cold.." he handed you his jacket. "the name is sans by the way.." you looked away and you put his jacket on it was cozy. "my name is y/n..." he Smiled at you. "thats a beautiful name doll.." you blushed. "ahw did i make you blush." he looked at you with a shit eating grin. "oh shut up bone dude.." he Still had That grin. "heh.." "SANS IS THE HUMAN AWAKE ALL READY!?" "yes boss!" you sighed. "THEN I WANT TO FIGHT THE HUMAN!" you looked down again. "the human has Just woken up let her take a rest.." "NO SANS!" there was no way out you needed to fight. You grabbed youre knife. "fine were gonna fight..." you were outside again you were Still weak but you needed to do this. You started fighting him but you didnt hurt hun you hated Hurting poeple. "COME ON HUMAN FIGHT BACK!" he threw a bone at you but you dodged. "no im not gonna fight!" "so does That mean you are giving me mercy?" he grinned at you. "YES!" "well..." he sighed. "I DONT ACCEPT MERCY!" he threw another bone at you. Youre hp dropped to 3. "i dont want to fight!" he threw another bone making youre hp drop to 1. "im not gonna fight i rather die!" "youre so stupid human!" he threw another bone and you dodged. "even if you accepted my mercy i would end up killing myself anyway!" his eye sockets widend. "I HAVE BIN ABUSED ON THE SURFACE BULLIED AND I HAVE BIN THROWN INTO THIS HELL HOLE I HOPED IT WOULD GET BETTER BUT IT DIDNT I HATE MY LIFE SINCE IM HERE I HAVE BIN ATTACKED AND NOW YOU SO JUST KILL ME ALL READY!" sans and his eye sockets both widend and he sighed. "im giving you mercy human..." he pulled you into a hug and sans also hugged you. "were so sorry.. You dont deserve this but you are strong..." he Smiled at you. "thanks.." you have lived with them now for a couple months but every night was so hard. You loved singing so you allways sang if they didnt hear.

"i know you got the best intentions... Just trying to find the right words to say... I promised i already Learned my lesson.... But right now i Just wanna be not okay.... So tired of sitting here waiting if i hear one more Just be patient...its allways gonna stay the same... So let me Just give up so let me Just let go if this isnt Good for me well i dont wanna know... Let me Just stop trying let me Just stop fighting i dont want youre Good advice or reasons Why im allright you dont know whats it like you dont know what its like..." you were hugged bu papyrus. "y/n please dont feel this way.." you were in love with him and he was im love with you but he didnt wanna admit he thought love made him weak. You decided to tell him how you felt. "thanks paps... I love you..." his eye sockets widend. "dont tell sans but i love you to.." "Why cant i tell sans exactly?.." "because i never felt this before and i dont want him to think im weak because i love you... Love is a sing of weakness.." "thats not true boss." you looked at sans. "SANS WERE YOU EAVES DROPPING?!" papyrus looked really mad. "NO BOSS!" papyrus wanted to run after him. But yiu grabbed his wrist and shook youre head. "Just let him Be its Just us now.." you kissed him and he gladly kissed back. "thanks pap..." "no problem."

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