Underswap! Papyrus x Scared! Reader

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A/n: sorry that this one is so short but i love it

You fell down in the underground a couple months ago no one played attention to you know one knew you exitsted. You were talking to a couple echo flowers it was the only way to deal with youre emotions. You heard something behind you. You saw a tall skeleton with a Orange hoodie and shorts he was smoking a cigarette. You ran away as Quick as possible you were scared. "WAIT!" you bumped into a smaller skeleton wearing a blue battle outfit and a blue scarf he had stars in his eyes. "A HUMAN!" you were scared you thoight he would kill you he didnt look to dangerous but you have heard of the title a wolf in sheeps clothing maybe he was one of those. "I AM THE MAGNIFCENT SANS!" you didnt answer back and you cried quitly. "HUMAN WHY ARE YOU CRYING!?" papyrus stood behind you. "m-my name is y/n.." you Said quitly. "hello y/n my name is papyrus." the tall skeleton behind you Said. You triee to run away. "i guess i can call you magnifisans.." you Said smirking a bit you allways made bad puns when you were nervous or scared. Papyrus chuckled at youre pun and sans started yelling. "YOURE INFECTED BY MY BROTHERS BAD PUNS!" "i guess y/n needs to be PUNished then." sans was screaming. "NOO!" you laughed at papyrus his pun. You knew these guys werent monsters they were different these were way better then humans. You were getting cold. "ARE YOU COLD HUMAN!?" you nodded. Sans put his scarf around youre neck and they took you with them. You held papyrus his hand and he smiled at it. "y/n are you okay?" "yeah..." "the echo flowers say other things.." you looked at him and there was a tear streaming down youre cheek. "i know..." "youre gonna be fine." you nodded and when you arrived home you was put into Bed papyrus was with you and smiled at you. "goodnight y/n." "goodnight paps.." you fell into a deep slumber.

undertale sans x reader oneshots (english)Where stories live. Discover now