Error! Sans X Glitch! Reader

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Requested by: Nobodycaresandcame were Just walking in youre au when you suddenly Heard glitchy noises you looked behind you and saw a portal open up. You wanted to run but you got pulled in by blue strings you felt the strings tugging at youre soul. "where the fuck am i!?" you looked around you and saw White everywhere you looked infront of you there was a skeleton That looked like the one where you came from he was glitchy but cute maybe clitchy? Gotta work on That name but That doesnt matter rightnow. "the void y/n." "how do you know my name!?" "have bin watching you for a While now." he was looking at youre AU rightnow. He made it sound like it was normal didnt sound like he was a stalker at aaall. "why?!" "i have bin trying to destroy every AU out there." "why?!" "they are all glitches they dont belong here." "says the biggest glitch out there..." "shut up." "no Come back?" he tugged youre soul so you was face to face With him. "i Said shut up!" you decided to listen to him. You were quiet for a While now. "hey i never asked for youre name?" "you wont get it." "then i Will call you error cuz you have the error sings." "well now you know my name." "wait is That youre name?" "yeah but doesnt matter." "so can you take the error Sings off and place them some where else?" "no why would i want to do That anyway?.." "to claim youre food so no one can touch it." "thats clever but no." "oh about food im hungry." he sighed and took his hand through a portal and he gave you some food. "thanks.." you started eating and after a While error took you out of his strings. "so dont you have an AU?" his eyes went black for a second. "dont ask about my AU.." "im here for you.." you placed a hand on his back and he jumped away. "DONT TOUCH ME!" you looked away. "sorry..." "sorry i just hate being touched..." you were looking at youre AU with error the next day and you saw youre boyfriend walking there. "hey thats my boyfriend!" you saw youre boyfriend kissing someone else. "w-wait what..." you started crying. "error how long has this bin going on.." "a few months.." "n-no..." you started sobbing. "y-y/n?.." you sobbed. He started to hug you care fully but he did hug you. You hugged back crying. "im sorry for you..." you blushed slightly. "its fine.." you wiped youre tears away.

Error pov

I cant lie... I have bin having a crush on her... But i cant tell her especially now her boyfriend cheated on her.. I got away the screen. "its okay you deserve better.." "Who like Who... Since im stuck here no one Will ever love me.." not gonna lie That broke my heart a little.. "so im no one?" "wait do you mean?...." i nodded as she threw her arms around me and kissed me. My eye sockets widend. Why did i hate being touched.. This felt nice and safe.. I kissed back. "i-i love you to...youre way better than my ex..." she smiled at me. "i know i am." she chuckled

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