Underswap! Sans X Coldhearted! Reader

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Y/n pov

You were in school like allways. You was Bullied years ago how did it stop? Simple you became coldhearted im someone Said something rude, mean or brutal you Said something way worse. Once someone told you That you was a monster. You replied with a deep cold voice: 'im a monster yeah and youre my victim..' and then you pinned the guy on the ground and bit his arm and broke his finger but That was all ready a While ago. Since That moment no one wanted to be with you anymore and you didnt see it as a problem. You sat in class staring at the teacher. "we have a New student today." it was a short skeleton That was hopping from his right foot to his left foot contiously. He was exited for some reason he was really cute. "my name is sans!" he said with big star eyes looking around the class. "sans take a seat where ever you want." he took a seat next to you great now you need to ruin his life to. "Hey im the magnifacent sans whats youre name!?" he was really happy maybe you could be his friend? No you couldnt be his friend you have build walls around you to protect youre self. "dont Bother." he looked kinda sad. "Why not?" "because i Am not gonna be friends with you." he looked at you with sadness. "oh..." the Bell rang and he ran away out of the class crying? Was he crying? How sensitive can someone be? You needed to make this right. You walked to him he sat at a tree he was Hugging someone with an orange sweater maybe his brother. You listend from a distance. "p-paps this human doesnt want to be f-friends with me and a-acted mean to me..." "Did she hurt you?" his eye was gloowing a bit orange it looked like he was mad. "N-no.." Why was he crying then? "sans Why are you crying then.." he sobbed a bit. "because the human doesnt want to be friends and other poeple warned me for her saying shes crazy something terrible must happend to her and maybe thats why she doesnt want to be friends... Im not sad because she doesnt want to be friend im sad because she is scared to be friends.." youre eyes widend and a tear escaped for the first time someone understood you. "is That the human?" sans looked behind him and looked at you While you were crying. "Are you okay?" he ran up to you pulling you in a hug you hugged back sobbing on his shoulder. Papyrus walked by. "dont hurt him or else youre gonna have a bad time.." you nodded. "human Why are you crying.." "stop calling me human please my name is y/n, and im crying because... You understand me even my own parents never understood me and now they are dead....." "oh.." you sobbed. "well i think you Just need some love.." "im sorry sans i was so mean..." he shook his head. "i understand." you hugged him sobbing softly finaly you felt loved understood and happy. "thanks..." "no problem y/n."

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