Swapfell! Sans X sick! Reader

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Y/n pov

You lived with the skelebros for aslong as you could rememeber. "pet get up!" you heard sans shouting. "yeah okay.." you got up and walked outside. No one here was really nice to you since you were a human. You felt youreself Being pushed in the snow and being kicked by someone. Someone kicked you on the head leaving you unconcious. You woke up in the freezing cold after an hour you arived home again. "PET WHERE WERE YOU WE HAVE LOOKED FOR YOU EVERYWHERE!" you decided not to tell them what happend. "sorry lord.." you decided to go to bed. The next morning you woke up by sans screaming voice but you had an real bad head ache and you felt hot and warm at the same time. "pet wake up!" you coughed. youre throat hurted so much. "l-lord please n-not today..." you were shaking and sweating. "y-y/n are you okay...?" he had a worried tone in his voice. You nodded. "I-im fine l-lord.." "THEN GET UP!" he sounded mad but you got up with a lot of effort anyway. You didnt want him to know. You wanted him to think you were strong. You were forced to go outside again with allmost nothing to keep you warm. "l-lord I-im r-really c-cold..." "dont be weak and keep going!" you tried to keep walking vut everything went black and you passed out. You woke up in bed wearing paps jacket and a lot of blankets. "S-sorry lord.." "y/n are you sure you okay?.." "lord... I-i got pushed in t-the snow y-yesterday... And g-got unconcious... The cold was to much... And now I-im s-sick...." "are you going to die?..." he was really worried. "N-no i Just need enough r-rest... And t-then i wil g-get better.." you were shaking and coughing a lot. "is there no medicine?..." you shook youre head. "no not really all though... Chicken soup might help.." "i Will make some chicken soup.." an halfour later he came back with soup. He was so different you never saw this side of him. "here.." you took out youre hand but got cold again. "i Will feed you..." he started feeding you and when he was finished he kissed youre forehead. "get better soon y/n i really care about you i love You.." you smiled at him. "i love you to.." you fell asleep.

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