Nightmare! Sans X Reader (

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Y/N pov

You sat in a garden of a beautiful castle you looked at the apple tree one side had black apples and one side had yellow apple there was a note attached to the tree that told you to choose wisely. Yellow is usually poisionious right?... I mean I have never heard of a yellow berry or apple but black apples aren't normal? Well blackberrys exist.... So I will choose the black one.. You took a bite of the black apple and started coughing inmediatly. Someone appeared behind you. "fool.." he grabbed you in his tentacles and took a shortcut into the castle. "didn't you notice the black apple is way more dull then the yellow one?" you nodded. "I also learned that I cant trust yellow foods.." "bananas?" "only there outside is yellow and there radioactive." (they are not a lot but if you are millions at once you would die) "true... But still you're mine now." "what?" he sighed. "you heard me." "I did but..." "clean my room." "okay... But you're name...?" "nightmare." you nodded and cleaned his room. You thought about him how cold he is how hot he is. Wait what? Hot? I mean he is... You sighed. "yeah he's hot..." he stood in the dooropening. "oh I know I am." you looked at him blushing like crazy. "oh h-hi..." "are you done?" "yeah.." he inspected the room. "good job.. Now get in the bed." you blushed. "what?.." "EW I'm not gonna fuck you!! We're gonna sleep." "o-oh..." you got into the bed. "hey why do I have to sleep with you.." "because you're mine.." "oh okay...." you started falling asleep when you allmody fell asleep you felt him wrap his arms and tentacles around you making sure you were safe and would stay. The next day you woke up. Nightmare was still asleep. "cute..." he woke up groaning. "good morning nightmare." he yawned and stretched. "want me to make breakfast?" he nodded and you made breakfast after that you both went to the living room and watched some TV you didn't sleep to well so you fell asleep next to him leaning on his arm. When you woke up you didn't open your eyes because you were so comfortable. "I love you...." you blushed slightly. "I love you to...." "YOURE AWAKE?!" "yeah guess so..if this isn't a dream..." he blushed. "you're to cute...." "nah." he smiled and kissed you. "I love you.." "I love you to.."

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