Underswap! Sans X Reader

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Y/n pov

You walked on M.T Ebot. You were taking a hike but you fell down a hole you thought you were dying but everything went black till you woke up on a bed with Roses. (found out that underswap has Roses) they didnt have thorns they broke youre fall you were allive. You walked away you met assgore youre goat dad but you really had to go. You said good bye to assgore and you walked in snowdin you stepped over a stick and walked further till you heard a loud snap you turned around and saw the stick broke but no one was there you decided to keep walking. You looked at a barrier but it was really low you can step over it if you want to. "Hello human dont you know how to greet a New pall? Turn around and shake my hand." you turned around to see a tall skeleton wearing a Orange sweater a pair of short brown pants Orange sneakers and he smoked a ciggarete. You shook his hand and you felt a shock. "ouch..." "the buzzer in the hand trick allways funny my name is papyrus papyrus the skeleton." "y-y/n.." you were a little bit nervous and You looked down. "arent you cold..?" he shook his head. "I don't even have skin so I cant be Cold." "o-oh yeah that was a stupid qeustion sorry..." "its okay well my brother never met a human before so you could really make him happy." "how exactly?" "you can meet him I Will introduce you to him." "oh yeah off course." you smiled at him. "okay then." he took youre hand. "W-what are you doing?.." you blushed a little. "taking a short cut." he teleported to his house in snowdin and we walked in togeheter. "sans im home and I have a human with me!" "REALLY!?" wow he sure Is exited. "off course." he ran out of the kitchen with big star eyes as he tackle hugged you. "A HUMAN AND SHE LOOKS SO CUTE!" you chuckled. "youre cute to!" "mwehehe let me make you some tacos!" "okay!" you stayed at their place as you grew a crush on sans you were allways a bit shy but since you met him you opened up more. You were planning on telling sans today. "S-sans...?" "Whats it human?" "I-i love you a lot and I hope you feel the same...." "I love you to human!" he kisses you on youre mouth and he looked happy so did you.

A/n: started to get tired its 1:07 am sorry for not uploading a while

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