Undertale! Papyrus X Demon! Reader

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Y/n pov

You were doing some puzzles with sans brother papyrus. Sans constantly kept an eye on you he didn't want you to break his brothers heart. "wowie human you're so smart!" he kept calling you human all tho you weren't  a human you were a demon. That is also why youre here they dropped you in here for Being a demon That why you didnt get in Any fights because you had a monster soul but youre monster soul only showed when it was under 4 hp it took energy to make it look like a human soul and you didnt want to risk it so you didnt fight a lot. You didnt want them to know you were a demon. sans would hate you and you wouldnt be able to hang out with papyrus anymore demons werent the nicest creatures but you loved papyrus you would be er hurt him you had a really big crush on him you would never forgive youreself If he got hurt because of you. "so human would you like to go on a date with me since you solved all my puzzles!" you nodded and blushes a deep red. "great!" he walked with you to his house as he made some spaghetti for youre date with him. Sans watched you constantly. "here you go human!" he handed you some spaghetti and you started eating. It was edible for once. "good job paps." after eating you guys got to his room and you sit on his bed. "I love youre bed." you pretended riding his bed like you would ride a car. "help paps im gonna craaash." you tumbled over and fell of his bed he catched you making you blush since he held you in his arms. "I got you!" you smile at him before you started to lean in for a Kiss he did the same did he know what you want? You kissed him and he kissed back. "p-paps.... I love you..." "I love you to!" you guys kissed again and you smiled at him. You walked downstaires with papyrus and you fell asleep on the couch the next day sans woke you up. "so I heard you and my bro are dating? If you break his heart you will have a bad time." you nodded. "and now tell me the truth youre not human are you? I saw youre soul you have a monster soul so what are you?" you had to tell him lying would give toch more consequences. "I-im a demon..." he pinned you to the wall with bones. "youre a what!?" You looked at him. "you better get the fuck out of here I dont trust you with my bro anymore if you Come near him I will kill you!" you listened to him and you walked out of his house Crying.

Sans pov

I dont like demons they got us in trouble earlier before. Papyrus walked down staires. "sans where is the human?" "dont worry she was a demon Shes gone now." "did you kill her!?" "offcourse not papyrus I Just send her away." "B-but I loved her!" "she isnt good for you." papyrus ran upstaires. I knew he was upset but he doesnt even know what love is.

Papyrus pov

How can Sans do this to me... I cried under my blankets. Sans came up stairs. He came in my room. "paps... Im sorry.... I Just dont want you in danger.... This was for the best..." he really thinks I will forgive him this fast now!? I cant forgive him. "leave me allone sans i dont want to see you anymore."

Sans pov

W-what? He really loved her... I have to get her back! I ran outside to search for Y/n

Y/n pov

You sat under a tree Crying when you saw sans running youre way. "Y/N!" "what..." "I-im sorry.... I told paps what happend.... And i guess he really loves you im so sorry.... I Just care allot  about him and i want him to be safe you can go back to him if you want.." you nodded and ran to their house you stormed up the stairs ran into paps room and hugged him tight. "Y/N!?" "yes paps?" "I-i... Sans is gonna kill you.." "no he wont he just said I was allowed to be here.." papyrus hugged you tight and kissed you. "I love you so much!" "I love you to paps." lots of things Changed after this you and paps got closer sans still had his eye on you but left the two of you allone sometimes everyone knew you were a demon but they also knew if they would mess with ya sans would kill them not cuz of you but cuz of papyrus but secretly he cared a little about you asswell.

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