Fresh! Sans X Sad! Reader

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Y/n pov

Youre boyfriend Just broke up to you you told youre best friend Sans and he decided to throw a party in the void so you can get over youre ex boyfriend. "can i also invite some peeps Sansy?" "yeah sure but dont invite the bad AUs." you smirked since you were planning on iviting them but hey you didnt blame youre self for That they were the best guys to actualy hang out with. "okay." a couple Days later you were at the party. "Y/N!" you looked at sans. "yeah?" "I told you not to invite the bad AUs!" "its not That bad sans dont be over protective." "hmm fine.." you walked to the bar and asked for a Whiskey. "hey." you looked at fell. "oh hey.." "whats up y/n?" you sighed. "nothing.." he was about to kiss you then you got pulled away by underlust sans. "this is my babe~" then they started a fight but you werent in the mood for it so you walked away to a place where you could be Alone. You found a spot and You sat down. You started to cry quietly. No one noticed you they where all having fun toghether. "hey what up bro?" you looked up at a skeleton That had a Whole ninetys vibe. "oh its nothing.." he sat besides you. "well even though i cant feel emotions but when some one cries its mostly because they are sad.." "my ex broke up with me and everyone is having a lot of fun but well...i dont really feel it ya know..." you heard a ping on youre Phone. You looked and saw a message from a unknown number. "can you wait a second i got to reply." "sure homie." you giggled at his ninetys slang.

(unknown): hey im allice i heard youre ex has broken up with you.

You: do i know you?

alice: youre ex does know me he Cheated on me and you and when i broke up with you and told him i found youre number in his Phone he also broke up with you so he was of. The gaurd i Just wanted to let you know im so sorry for you..

You: omg im also sorry for you thanks for telling me..

You put youre Phone down crying. "hey hey calm what up dawg?" "turns out he also Cheated on me..." "im so sorry for ya.." you smiled at him.

Fresh sans pov

She smiled at me i started to blush what is this feeling? "oh by the way the names is Fresh sans but Just call me Fresh." "my name is y/n.." she said quietly. She was Still crying and i hugged her. I realized what is was doing and i started blushing purple. I was about to let go but she hugged back making my blush darken. "thanks bro for making me happy again.." i smiled. "no problem im glad to see That radical Smile again." she blushes pink. "hey brosephine pink suits you!" her blush became deep red now. "and so does red." she kissed me on the cheek what made me blush purple. "purple suits you." she kissed me on the teeth this time and i kissed back it felt so weird. I think i love her.

Y/n pov

A couple months later i was hanging out with Fresh again. "i love you y/n.." he slapped his hands infront of his mouth like he Just had comitted a sin he was blushing a deep purple. "Fresh.." "im sorry i know you dont feel the same way and Thats okay we can Just be homies im so sorry it Just came out im so so so sorry..." he kept on rattling. "quit talking Bull*Fresh*" "S-sorry ofcourse we cant stay friends my bad.." "no i meant i do love you okay." i kissed him and he kissed back. "enough prove?" he nodded blushing. "thanks.. I love you.." "i love you to mate."

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