Underfell! Sans X Bullied! Reader

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Y/n pov

You was walking into the school like allways. You walked to youre locker until you saw something. You saw a skeleton Being pushed and kicked. It was sans the guy you had a crush on he never noticed you and he allways kinda ignored you but you didnt mind. "hey stop That." they let go of him and he ran away. "Why would we? Hey he ran away because of you!" they pushed you against the locker now. "s-stop.." "because of you he ran away!" you shed some tears. "cry baby!" the kicked you. "t-take me instead but leave him Alone.." "what do you mean?" the guy smirked. "use me as youre toy but leave him Alone!" you didnt know Why you did this for a guy That ignored you but you did. "hmm let me think." you waited for an answer. "okay fine." they started kicking you again and after a While they stopped. You say there with youre head between youre knees crying. You couldnt move Everything hurted. This kept going for months. You walked in to the libary with a lot of pain. "y/n what happend?" blueberry asked. "i Just fell but im okay." you Said. You hated lying to blueberry since he was youre bestfriend. Ink pullen youre sleeves up revieling a lot of bruises and cuts.  "this doesnt look like you fell." the bullies even cutted you sometimes it hurted. You hissed in pain when he took his hand over it. "did you do this to youreself?.." he asked. You shoot youre head. "its nothing dont worry." "to late i Am worried.." you was on the verge of crying. "can you Just stop about it?.." he nodded. "okay.. Im sorry.." Error sans came in. "whats going on?" "oh nothing." you noticed That fell was looking from a distance at you. The Bell rang and you was planning on going as fast as possible so the bullies wouldnt see you. You were to late they saw you. "wait up!" you got pushed against the locker and they started Hurting you again in every way possible. "let go of her." you saw fell standing there with a red flame in his eye. "nope." you cried a little. You hope they wouldnt tell him Why. "now!" "f-fell dont.." he ignored you. "you know Why shes doing this right?" oh here it Comes. "shes not doing anything you guys are!" "she took youre place if it wasnt her then it would be you." he grabbed the guy and threw him away from you. "i Said let go!" he picked you up bridal style. Why would he do this didnt he hate me. You were scared. "y/n Why did you take my place?" he said as he put you down patching you up a bit. "you didnt deserve it.." "Why did you do it i never talk to you i allways ignore you Why did you do it?!" he sounded a bit angry and it scared you. You cried again. "b-because...i dont know....." "Y/N WHY DID YOU DO IT!?" you cried. And his facial expression Changed from mad to worried. "im sorry.." "its okay..." you hugged him and he was a bit shocked but he hugged back. "i did it because i love you...." you admited. He looked at you. "i love you to..." you were confused was he playing games with you?.. "Why didnt you talk to me then?.." "i was scared.." you hugged him a bit tighter. "its okay im happy youre here now.." "i promise those bullies Will never touch you again." he was right they never touched you again and if they tried they would have a really bad time. You told blueberry and Ink what actualy happend and they were both sad about it and hugged you tight. You loved youre friends and you loved youre boyfriend.

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