Undertale! Sans X Genocide! Reader

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Y/n pov

There you were again filled with determination love and guilt. You stood in the judgement hall no wait chara stood in the judgement hall.. You stood there you tried to stop her but it was to late she was stronger she killed them all but sans thought you killed them. You felt youre sins crawling on youre back. "stop chara please!" "no y/n we killed them togeheter not Just me... Youre curiousity filled me with a perfect amount of determination.... You started this and im gonna end it... You gave youre soul to me! AND YOU WHERE THE ONE THAT GAVE ME CONTROL!" "I want the control back!" "to late y/n!" chara started attacking sans. "its not to late chara!" "kid Why i believed in you papyrus believed in you till the end Why did it need to end like this y/n!?" "hahaha im not y/n..y/n gave her soul to me i Am chara the first fallen human.." "you killed them!" "stop chara.." you were crying. "you werent begging this much with papyrus or well anyone you never cried for anyone before are in love with sans?" chara rolled her eyes at you. Sans threw a bone at chara and chara Dodged. "hold up bone dude i need to talk to y/n!" you decided to tell the truth. "YES I DO LOVE HIM FOR FUCKS SAKE!" "well thats very sad for you since im Still going to kill him!" she laughed evily and threw a knife at him he Dodged you wanted this to end so you saw one sulition you started breaking youre own soul with youre hands. "Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" sans saw youre soul breaking. "G-give me my body back!" "y/n stop this!" sans yelled. "chara give up!" "no!" you broke youre soul causing you to die. You started a reset with this time making the right decision you didnt gave youre soul. You were in the judgement hall you thought sans had forgot about the reset since he didnt mention it all the time you thought you had made a New start. "are you back chara?" youre eyes widend. "s-sans.." sans pinned you to the wall with his bones but you didnt fight back. "sans its me y/n! I didnt gave my soul away this time it was a stupid mistake!" "why did you kill youre self..?" "because i wanted a New start with you.... I love you sans..." "y/n im so happy to see you again..." you were pulled into a tight hug. "i love you to y/n.." you kissed him. "i Will never do an reset again..."

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