Surface! Undertale! Sans X Werewolf! Reader

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The monsters were back on the surface and you liked That. Because you were a werewolf you never met someone like you and now there were monsters on the surface so you were less loneley. You was walking through the Woods in youre werewolf form. You saw a skeleton? It was a short skeleton in a blue jacket with a fur hat and track shorts he was wearing pink slippers. His eyes were dark but had White Lights in them. He looked at you in fear and you looked at him confused. Why was he scared? Everyone was scared for you and it actually really hurted but he was a monster Just like you so Why was he scared? He was keeping a distance but you tried to come closer. "g-go away!.." he was scared really scared. You Changed into youre human form and you sheded a couple tears. "Why are you scared for me? Were both monsters.." he was shocked. "im sorry.. I didnt know you were a werewolf i didnt know They exitsted.." "but Why are you scared for wolfs?" you say beside him as you guys started to have a converstation. "because im a skeleton you know skeletons and dogs.." you understanded now because well wolfs and dogs loves bones. "oh sorry.." "its okay." you Still had some wolf ears you usauly coverd. He petted youre ears and you close youre eyes enjoy this a lot. "youre ears are soft.." you Smiled . "thanks." youre tail was slightly swooping around his face softly tickling him. "hehe.." he Smiled. you finaly had a friend everyone hated you and hurted youre feelings because you were different but rightnow some one showed care. You shed a tear because you thought of the memorys. "hey.. Kid? Whats wrong?.." he was kinda worried and he wiped away youre tear. "Just some memorys i had.." "its okay.." you hugged him and he stiffend a bit but hugged back. "thank you.." you nuzzled youre head into his chest. "its okay.." "im sorry i didnt ask youre name yet!" you Said. "im y/n." he Smiled. "im sans." you guys started talking more and more you was waiting for sans in the park one Day when a couple bullies from youre school came in. "hey freak." you pulls youre hat over youre ears. "whats up did you lose youre tongue did you bite it off?" they laughed. You shed a couple tears they were really Hurting youre feelings. "heh.." they pulled youre tail. It really hurted and you cried. "s-stop!" they pulled of youre hat and pulled youre ears. "it hurts stop.." "hehe cry baby!" they kicked you. "stop!" "no!" they kept going you cried. "she said stop." a deep dark voice Said. "and i Said no." a blue source of magic lifted them up. "you really want a bad time?" they were scared. "N-no sir.." "thought so." he let go of them and they ran away. "thanks sans.." "no problem y/n." he smiled

undertale sans x reader oneshots (english)Where stories live. Discover now