underswap! sans x shy! Reader

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A/n: sorry for the lack of uploads I will try to update more

Y/n pov

You were on the surface waiting for your friend papyrus he was gonna introduce you to his brother you where quite nervous what if he didnt like you or what if he started asking loads of questions you didnt know how to answer.. you saw him walking your way and his brother was this small skeleton with a blue scarf and some battle armour it was pretty cute you werent gonna lie. "Hey papy.." he smiled. "This Is my brother blue! Blue this is y/n I have to go to the store real quick is that okay?" You nodded but you where still kinda nervous. "Hey human!" You looked up at him blushing. "H-hey.." you started walking with him around the park you talked about papyrus nature and what he liked to do once the subject royal guard came up he couldnt shut his mouth anymore but you didnt mind you didnt like talking anyways. "Human?" You looked at him. "Yeah..?" He looked kinda concerned. "Are you okay your so quiet.." you nodded. "I'm fine I'm always kinda quiet.." you smiled and blushed. He continued talking and smiled  at you. "Icecream!" You ran to the nicecream guy only to discover you didjt have any money on you. "Oh..." you have allways liked icecream it made you happy. "I will pay for you human!" He smiled. "O-oh no it's fine you d-dont have to!" But he allready bought some for you. "Here you go!" You blushed and smiled. "Thank you..." he smiled back at you "no problem human!" Papyrus came back to see you two talking you started to open up more he decided to go home and let you two be cuz you never really made friends easily so he knew you could use some time with him. A couple weeks later you were st their house blue was busy making tacos in the kitchen. "Hey kid?" You looked at him. "Yeah?.." "blue really likes you...like he has a crush on you so if you like him back I would tell him if I was you." "I-I like him back but you know I cant tell him..." "just do it kid you will be fine!" You thought for a bit. "Allright then if you say so..." you went to the kitchen. "H-hey blue.." you where blushing lot. "Yes human?" "I-i like you.." this took him by surprise as he almost dropped the plate right out of his hand. "Y-you do?.." he blushed. You nodded blushing. He suddenly grabbed you and kissed you. "I love you y/n.." you smiled. "I love you to.."

Sorry this was so short I can't write long storys cuz I will litterally burn out this way I can keep up with writing and will update more often I hope it's not a problem and you guys can forgive me I also made some underswap papyrus art so I thought it would be perfect to include! Tell me what you think!

Sorry this was so short I can't write long storys cuz I will litterally burn out this way I can keep up with writing and will update more often I hope it's not a problem and you guys can forgive me I also made some underswap papyrus art so I thoug...

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