Naj! Paperjam! X Naj! Skatergirl! Reader

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Requested by: 6backstab thanks for the request if you want to request something go to the reqeust page i Will do as many as possible! Hope you like it!

Y/n pov

You walked through the school hallways to youre locker. You opend youre locker grabbed youre skateboard and books and closed youre locker. You looked at youre watch. Youre gonna be late. You stepped on youre skateboard and skated through the hallways trying not to hit poeple. You were allmost in class till... You bumbed in to the most popular guy in school and youre biggest crush... Paperjam. "oh my god im so sorry..!" "its fine Just watch out next time.." his cheeks were Dusted in a purple shade. The Bell rang. "FUNK IM GONNA BE LATE!" you ran towards class and sat on youre seet right next to youre brother Fresh allmost falling of the chair. "are you okay y/n?" "i Just bumbed in to PJ with my skateboard.." "oh damn.." he knew you had a crush on him. "what did he say?" "he said it was fine i Just had to watch out next time.." "oh he isnt like That normaly as well weird.." "Fresh y/n stop talking!" you guys stopped talking not wanting any problems. The Bell rang and you walked to the cafetaria to have lunch. You had a converstation with Fresh till PJ walked up to you. "so y/n i was wondering if you would like to go to the skatepark today after school.." he was blusing purple. "oh uhm ofcourse.." you blushed as Fresh send him a death glare since he was pretty protective about you. "i Will take care of her Fresh dont worry." he Still growled a little but let it go. After school you were at the skatepark with Fresh and PJ Fresh was talking to some friends and you and PJ were skating. You allmost fell vut PJ caught you. "watch out.." he was blushing so were you. "oh uhm yeah ofcourse..." he was slowly leaning in was he gonna Kiss you?! You closes the gap and kissed him he ofcourse kissed back gladly. "y-yn.. I love you.." "i love you to.." Fresh noticed the both of you kissing and glared at PJ again. "grmpf you better dont break her heart.." "i wont i promise!" he was happy to have you and you were happy to have him.

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