bully! horror! sans x bullied! reader

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a/n: i know i said i would post this weekend but i forgot this goes on in highschool  so yee enjoy

Y/N pov

you sat in class this class wasnt your favorite you didnt like math but this was one of the only classes your bully was in aswell his name was Horror he was throwing paper balls at you. you read one of them is said: "meet me after shool" you knew you had to.. he was dangerous you had to listen..you had to.. you went to the park after school. "h-hey.." you looked down. "hey." he smirked at you it gave you the chills. "what do you need..." he pinned you to a tree. "dont talk to me like that..." the fear i you eyes made him smile. "sorry.." he let go of you. "what can i do for you horror." he smiled. "i want you to do my homework im gonna be busy." you nodded. "good." resisting would have been useless. You went home you did his homework first so you wouldnt get in trouble with him it was 10 pm but you had to do your own to you went to sleep at 2 am you were exhausted but it was fine. The next day you gave him his homework he looked it over and walked away you turned in your home work.

Horror pov

Why do I treat them like that it's not even worth it ugh I'm in love with them....why am I such a piece of shit to them...offcourse they dont love me I act like a piece of shit they are probably scared of me...

Y/n pov

You were tired and you had a hard time focusing on your school work. You sighed and the bell rang you could finally go home.
You sat down in your bed usually horror would have stopped you from going home this time he ignored you that was weird you heard a ding from your phone you checked it and it was horror. Seems like he didnt forget.. you checked it: 'I'm so sorry for treating you the way I did...you deserve better and i will stop bothering you...' that was weird...you sighed and sent a thanks with that you started doing home work a couple weeks passed and horror did leave you alone. You sat on your bed when you got a text from horror you opened it. 'Hey y/n I know this Is dumb and shit but do you maybe wanna go out with me....' you looked up and when you wanted to reply you saw he deleted his text but you did see it. 'That would be nice' he bullied you a lot but he was kinda cute... 'tomorrow 9 pm?' 'Sure' you two started dating and he was actually really sweet you were happy.

An: yeah this is short but I'm like tired and shit ack

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