Underfell! Sans x Reader

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Y/n pov

You were at a sleep over party because youre best friend blueberry wanted you to come so you did. "heya." you greeted Everyone. "GREAT Y/N YOURE HERE! THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS TO COME IS FELL SANS, INK, ERROR AND FANCE DANCETALE SANS!" you looked around seeing Horror sans was all ready here since you invited him and original sans was all ready here you looked around and also saw Fresh sans and Unfresh sans you hoped they could get all long since horror was kinda a psychopath especialy to humans Unfresh and Fresh well you can guess and ink and error arent really best friends asswell but they all wanted blueberry to be happy so they did and his brother paps also kinda threathend to them That they wouldnt make blueberry upset. The rest also came in not looking to happy. "GREAT EVERYONE IS HERE!" papyrus came in the room leaving some snacks and sended a death glare to ink and error That had allmost started a fight. "THANKS PAPS!" paps smiled and walked out. "no problem bro." "LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" sans was happy thst everyone was Being nice for once. "blue can i talk to you?" he nodded. "yes human!?" "did you really need to invite my crush?" "oh you mean fell yes Why?" you face palmed. "this is gonna be akward..." blueberry looked at you. "it doesnt have to be!" you walked back and after a While everyone was playing truth or Dare and papyrus brought some alcohol in for everyone without blueberry noticing so horrorsans was practicly drunk. "truth or dare y/n?" you looked up at horror sans. "truth." you wasnt planning on choosing dare since he was drunk. "do you have an crush on someone if yes Who?" you was getting nervous. "N-no i dont have a crush on anyone.." you blushed a little. "DONT LIE HUMAN YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON FELL WE WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT IT!" everyone looked at you and horror laughed at you. You ran away to the bathroom with tears in youre eyes. You locker the door and started crying. Great now he hates me..

Fell sans pov.

"DONT LIE HUMAN YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON FELL WE WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT IT!" i saw y/n ran away i punched horror sans softly for lauging at y/n. "blueberry you didnt need to tell horror or me or anyone she lied because she didnt want me to know." i looked at blueberry he had regret i knew it. "sorry..." "its okay im going to y/n.." i walked to the bathroom. Is she crying? I knocked.

Y/n pov.

I heard a knock asuming it was blueberry. "go away..." "y/n.." oh great its fell.. "what do you want?" "please unlock the door or im gonna open it..." you unlocked the door since you didnt want any trouble with papyrus when the door was broken. "thanks.." he wiped youre tears away and kissed you. Youre Whole body tensed up at first but later you melted into the Kiss. "i love you y/n.." "i love you to fell...." blueberry was in the door. "MEHHEEH I THE MAGNIFACENT SANS MADE ANOTHER SHIP COME TRUE!!" you chuckled he was so cute. When you came back error and ink were fighting and Fresh and unfresh had an discussion and horror wel he had a black-out. "you were gone to long blueberry." "i dont care i shipped a couple!!" you were holding fells hand and you were blushing. "YAAY" everyone stopped fighting and was happy for you. Well atleast exept for horror he was Still Being drunk and Laying on the floor.

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