Error! Sans X Reader

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Y/n pov

You walked to class with youre bestfriend Ink. "So how are you Inky?" you smiled at Ink. "im fine.." i could see something was bothering him. "hey whats up something bothering ya?" "no not in particular..." "Ink whats up do you think im stupid?" he sighed. "y/n do you have a crush on my brother Error?.." you blushed slightly. "yeah.." "for fucks sake..." he mumbled. "hm?" "hes also in love with you... And he wanted to ask you out today..." "well thats Good news right..?" "well for you.... But im scared That it Will affect our scared That you would forget me.." he shed a couple tears. "i wont forget you.... I promise..." "thanks y/n.." he wiped his tears away when Error came running to you. "uhm y/n can we talk in private?..." he blushed a blue shade. You looked at Ink to make sure he would be allright. He nodded as sing That i could go. You walked away with Error. "i was wondering if... You would like to go on....a-a Date with m-me..." you blushed and smiled at him. "ofcourse!" he smiled back and also blushed. "cool!" he walked away happily and you walked back to ink. "so he asked me out and he doesnt realize he doesnt have my number and we also didnt really plan anything so is he gonna Come back or?.." Ink chuckled. "its gonna be okay y/n." after class you were going home. You was planning on making some food but then youre Phone rang so you picked up. "STOP Y/N!" "what?.." "dont make food for youre self!" "how do you know i was making food?.." "thats what you allways do after school." "im so predictable." "well anyways Come over to my place in the evening i have a surprise for you." "how late exactly?" "at 6 pm." "but thats diner time.." "i dont care Just go to my place and dont eat anything." "do you want me to starve?" "you can eat lunch." he hung up the Phone. Why did he call you and Why couldnt you eat? Was this the Date with Error? He allways had football (yes the soccer way not america football)  training at those times and he didnt wanna miss it for a thing you knew That. After lunch you made youre self ready not wearing anything to special Just some swestpants and an old sweater. You walked over to Inks place. "y/n you cant go on a fate with error in those clothes but i already have thought of something if this would happen." he threw youre favorite dress at you. "where did you get this from!?" "after prom you were so drunk That you had to stay over at my place but i didnt want you to sleep in this and thats why i undressed you and put something else on ya." you werent mad since he saw you in bikinis under wear and Even naked before. You have bin bestfriends with him aslong as you could rememeber. "you undressed in the bathroom you Brushed youre hair and put youre dress on. "y/n you look Amazing!" Ink had made food for the both of you. You say with Error on a table with a candle. "you look so beautiful y/n.." "thank you.." you blushed and smiled at him. Two plates had bin set for the both of you with youre favorite meal. "thanks Ink." you smiled at Ink. "no problem oh and y/n watch youre manners." he knew you so well. When Ink walked away Error gave you a glass of wine. "what did he mean with That?" "oh uhm well.. I dont really have the best eating manners.. And you should probaly keep the wine away from me since i allways drink to much after one glass i allways want more and i end up Being drunk.." he giggled at That. "well thats okay you can eat how ever you want and i Will make sure you wont drink the Whole bottle you can have one glass." he smiled at you. "thanks.." he started eating but you didnt eat a single bite. "y/n something wrong you didnt have a single bite?.." "well its Just.... Im scared you Will hate my eating manners because once i start eating i cant help it to well... Eat like a pig..." you looked down thinking he would laugh at you but instead he grabbed youre plate youre fork and knife. "look up." you looked up and he started feeding you what made you giggle. "you are so nice to me.." "ofcourse i Am!" he fed you until youre plate was empty and then he ate his. "can i have another glass of wine?.." "wait a second." he walked to the kitchen to ask Ink something. You played a bit with youre fork While waiting. He came back with a bottle of wine. "Ink says you can take quite a lot of alcohol so sure but Just one more glass okay?" you nodded as you sat on the couch besides him. "okay daddy~" you coed in a sexy tone making him blush. "ahw youre blushing so cute." "oh shut up.. I cant help the fact youre Just so sexy.." now it was youre turn to blush as he grinned. "youre also cute when you blush." "hmpf..." you took a sip from youre wine. "drink calmly.." you nodded. "sure.." you were kinda drunk by now. And you didnt really knew what youre were doing so you crawled on to his lap and you kissed him pasionatly. "y/n youre pretty drunk you shouldnt do this.." he put you into bed undressing you leaving you in youre under wear.  "Good night." he kissed youre forehead and since you were in his bed he layed down besides you. You woke up the next morning. "fuck what happend.." you mumbled you had an head ache. Error also woke up. "are you okay y/n?.." "what happend..?" "you were pretty drunk last night.." you noticed you were naked now. "Why Am i naked.. Did we do it..?" he shoot his head. "no but you tried to well do it with me but i refused i dont like to take advantege of these things.." you looked at him blushing. "im sorry.." he threw you one of his baseball shorts and one of his red shirts. "that should be okay for you right?.." you nodded. "thanks.." he walked out and you got dressed. "you look cute." you blushed. "im so sorry about last night.." "well thats okay you should say sorry to Ink since you tried to convince me in his room and then he walked in..." youre eyes widend. "fuck.." he laughed. "nah was messing with ya." he looked at you with a shit eating grin. "fuck you Error." "well youre sober now so i guess..." you gave him a death glare. "i swear if you wouldnt Just have 1 hp i would have punched you in the face right now." "i love you." "i love you to you big idiot."

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