Error! Sans X Reader

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Y/n pov

You were at the void with a skeleton named error you guys didnt talk much since he ignored you but to be honest you had the biggest crush on him and you didnt even know Why. It was kinda sad he didnt talk to him but looking at him also made you quite happy. "Error?" he looked at you and then looked back at what he was doing. You shed a tear but wipes it away Quickly. You hate Being ignored especialy by him. "can you maybe go to another AU and fix me a book so i wont get bored.." "y/n i have better things to do amuse youre self." "ERROR IM IN A WHITE ROOM WITH NOTHING EXEPT A SKELETON THAT IGNORES ME ALL THE TIME AND IS TO LAZY TO FIX ME A BOOK!" he sighed and snapped his fingers causing a book to fall into youre lap. "you didnt need to yell." you rolled youre eyes and started reading. Why did he do this Why did he ignore you and was he this mean it really hurted you. A sob came from you you were crying and you didnt even notitice you started crying. "y/n are you okay..?" you nodded. "yeah..." he sighed. "tell me.." "you keep ignoring me it really hurts..." he sighed again. "so? People ignore me all the time since im a monster but i dont care." something snapped inside you was he for real?! "WEL MAYBE IT HURTS SO MUCH SINCE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU I HAVE NEVER FELT FOR ANYONE BEFORE." you cried a little. "S-sorry... Y-yn i didnt know.." you fucked up he was the only one here and he hated you know. You looked at him and he blushed. "A-are you blushing?.." "W-what?! No!" he kissed you suddendly making you blush you thought he hated contact and touching. "hmpf... I love you to y/n.." youre eyes widend and you hugged him. He jumped away. "dont hug me.." "trust me u wont hurt you.." he hesitaded a bit. "i wont close my arms around until you tell me i can so you can go Every moment. "okay..." he hugged you he was very scared. "Y-you can close them now..." you closed youre arms around him he was Still scared but started to feel safer all ready. "Why did you jump away Why didnt you kill me?.." "because i love you and i felt safety what kinda scared me to be honest..." you kissed his forehead and smiled. "i love you to."

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