Undertale! sans x Abused! reader

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A/N: this is an english book cuz well i wanted to do an english book once im not english so grammar mistakes are possible i hope you guys enjoy this

y/n POV

you looked down the hole on MT Ebot you hear many storys about kids falling in and never returning. but the only thing you culd think about was falling in and never returning. youre aprents used to abuse you and you got bullied in class. you decided not to do it you turned around but you tripped and fell in you were screaming and everything got black. you woke up in a bed of flowers with a skeleton bending over you. you were trying to remmeber what happend. "dont you know how to greet a new pall?" he gave you his hand. you looked at him from his head to toe and you accepted his hand. "h-hey.." you said with a shaky voice. "the name is Sans." "h-hi Sans m-my name is Y/N" "such a nice name." youre started blushing and you tried to hide youre face. "why did you fall down the hole?" you started getting some leaves out of youre hair. "uhm i just fell down..i tripped.." you answerd not wanting to tell the whole story. he looked at you from head to toe. "oh okay welp kid i got to go i will see you later i guess.." he started walking away. "b-bye.." you didnt know where to go at all so you decided to just start walking. after a while you arrived in snowdin a snow storm came up after a while and you were starting to get cold. you was just wearing a sweater and some jeans. soon youre vision became black but you tried to kept walking you knew if you would pas out now you wouldnt survive it. the pain became worse and worse and you passed out. after a while you felt warmth again you didnt know where you were but it felt safe. you were trying to open youre eyelids and you heard someone yelling. "SANS! SANS! I CAUGHT A HUMAN!" you heard sans name and you started to wake up. "let me take a lo- Y/N!?" "SANS DO YOU KNOW THIS HUMAN?!" you had an extreme head ache and you saw Sans sitting next to you on a chair. he wasnt wearing his jacket he weared when i met him. "Y/N are you okay?" "y-yeah.." you felt some fur in youre neck. then you realized you was wearing sans jacket causing you to blush. "whats wrong?" "n-nothing.." you answerd shaking. "you were really cold you wasnt wearing much.." for a couple seconds he had a worried expression but he hid it away quickly. "I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS AND THIS HERE IS MY BROTHER SANS!" you heard papyrus he sounded like a pretty cool dude. "i-im Y/n.." you stutterd. "ARE YOU OKAY Y/N SOULD I THE GREAT PAPYRUS MAKE SOME SPAGGHETI FOR YOU?" you looked at Sans for a moment and he gave you a sing that you should say yes. you nodded. "that would be great." you smiled as papyrus walked into the kitchen. "Y/n his cooks skills arent the best but if you mention it to him it would break his heart and if you break his heart you are gonna have a bad time." his eyes turned black. "u-understood.." youre voice was shaky this reminded you a little of the abuse at home. youre eyes were stating to fill up with tears a little bit. "k-kid?.." he looked worried again. "SANS ARE YOU SCARING THE HUMAN!?" papyrus walked in with a plate of spaghetti. "n-no im fine..j-just a bad memory.." papyrus set down the spaggehti for you and you started eating hungrily. you spilled some spagghetti on the jacket you were still wearing. "i-im so sorry.." you were scared for what he would do you got memorys again from the aubuse at home and you cried. "k-kid its okay it was full off stains anyway you dont need to worry.." you looked at him with tears in oure eyes. "t-thank you.." you were happy he didnt hurt you. you yawned you were pretty tired. "you want to go to bed kid?" you nodded. "he picked you up and put you in his bed. "i will sleep on the couch." "no thats not fair.." you were trying to protest. "its okay kid" he walked down staires you snuggled in his jacket because you were cold. you were starting to fall assleep but the nightamres from the abuse came. you didnt know the difference between reality and dreams anymore you thought it was real it looked so real. "NO DONT HURT ME PLEASE!" you started screaming from the top of youre lungs. "PLEASE NO!" you cried. you sudddenly calmed down when you felt two arms wrapped around youre waist. "calm kid its just a dream." you woke up drenched in sweat and you had tears in youre eyes. "S-sans..?" youre voice was shaking. "yes kid im here you are save." you hugged him tight. "you want to talk about the nightmare it sounded like some heavy shit.." you saw that expresion of worry again but he hid it again you wonder why he kept hiding it but you shaked it off. "uhm..n-no its soemthing i wanna leave in the past..." "kid that doesnt make me less worried." d-did he just admit he was worried?! "f-fine.." a tear streamed down youre cheek but he wiped it away. "come on kid." "i-i as abused at home a-and i jumped down the hole b-because i wanted to end it..." you saw the worried expression again. "k-kid.. is taht why you were so scared when you dropped some spagghetti on my jacket..?" you nodded. he hugged you tight. "im so sorry kid.." he pressed his teeth to youre forehead causing you to blush you fel aslpeep in his arms with a smile. you heard him say the word i love you before you fell asleep completly.

A/N im sorry for this long part i never do oneshots but here it is

undertale sans x reader oneshots (english)Where stories live. Discover now