Underfell! Sans X Abused! Scared! Reader

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(a/n: mentions of abuse!)

Y/n pov

How did this all start you started sering things That werent there all because of the abuse you had to go through. "oh there you are y/n!" sans yelled youre name you heard it but it didnt progess in youre head. You felt a boney hand on youre shoulder. You turned around to face sans. You flinched when he accendently pressed one of youre bruises? He didnt know That you got abused. "y/n are you okay?" you nodded. "I-im fine.." you knew he didnt believe it but he decided not to push you. "lets go home." you walked home with him. You laid down in Youre bed curling youre self up in a ball shaking and crying. "N-no stop! D-dont hurt me!" you screamed. Sans stormed into youre room and took you in his arms. "ssh y/n im not gonna hurt you no ones gonna hurt you im here." his voice was calm but you werent. "N-no sans they are here!" you were shaking. "Who are here?.." "THEY!" you pointed shakingly at the wall for you there were poeple the poeple That abused you youre parents. "there is no on there y/n.." his voice sounded worried. "NO STOP HURTING ME!" papyrus walked in. "WHATS GOING ON HERE!?" papyrus yelling made you flinch and you started to scream even harder. "calm down papyrus.." sans was holding you tight. "whats wrong..?" "shes seeing things That arent here..." papyrus say on the bed and embraced you in his arm. "s-sans P-paps im s-scared..." "i dont know Who youre talking about y/n but they arent here i promise Come me and paps Will protect you we promise.." you started to calm down. "now y/n tell me Who did you see?.." you cried into there arms papyrus was speechless and didnt know what to do or what to say. "m-my parents..." sans eye sockets widend. "did they hurt you?.." you nodded. "t-they a-abused me for Y-years..." sans lifted up youre shirt a bit. "W-what are you d-doing!" "im not gonna hurt you i promise." he revealed a lot of scars cuts and bruises. "this looks bad.." papyrus looked at youre back. "her back is even worse..." sans looked at youre back to reveal infected cuts more bruises and scars That looked like they came from a whip. "these cuts are infected remove youre shirt y/n paps get the bandages a cloth alcohol and water!" paps leaved the room and you removed youre shirt. "I-im sorry s-sans.." "dont be its fine im gonna help you..." he looked sad. Paps walked back in with the stuff you held paps hand when sans started to patch you up. "calm y/n.." you hissed at the pain. "its gonna be okay." you cried and papyrus wiped away youre tears. "done.." sans gave you an Kiss on the fore head. "its gonna be okay.." you were Still shaking a bit papyrus left youre room. "you should rest." sans tucked you in the blankets and was about to leave the room. "s-sans please stay with me.." you felt so childish for asking That qeustion and you thought he was gonna laugh at you and let you down. "ofcourse sweetheart.." he laid down next to you and you cuddled up against him he wrapped youre arm around you. "thanks sans.." "its okay..y/n.. I love you." "i love you to.." he pressed his teeth against youre lips. Months later you helped them get to the surface. You were walking in a park with sans and papyrus now when you saw youre parents walk up to you. "y/n there you are! You brat were where you!?" the woman slapped you in the face. "hey stop That!" sans eye glowed red and you cried a little. "i can do with my Child what ever i want!" the man kicked you in the stomach. "shes staying with us now!" sans stood infront of you. "haha no we are her parents and we are taking this bitch with us again!" sans growled. "im her boyfriend and shes staying with us!" you were shaking and crying. "now leave her Alone or else youre gonna have a bad time!" "no!" they wanted to grab youre wrist but before That sans grabbed there hand and bend her finger all the way back till a loud snapping sound was heard. "leave her allone!" they ran off and sans and papyrus hugged you tight. "are you okay?" you nodded shaking. "yeah thanks guys.." "its fine." "well atleast you met my parents now..." "yeah next time i see them they are dead.." paps and sans were so protective about you and you finaly felt loved and apraciated. "lets go home i Will make spaghetti!" papyrus Said. "can i help making spaghetti?.." "ofcourse y/n!" you smiled and walked home toghether with them.

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