Underfell! Sans X Heart broken! Suicidal! Reader

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Y/n pov

You're crush walked in omg he was like the cutest his golden sharp tooth his Smile his eyes the way he blushed the way he was allways agressive but also had a soft side if you look past his 20 layers of edginess rudeness and his tsundere act he was actually a softy. "hey y/n!" but one thing. He was you're best friend for years now telling him how you feel would maybe ruin everything! "y/n i want you to meet someone!" "oh okay Who is it?" you looked with a curious look at his friend next to him. "ya know how i told you i was bi-sexual y/n?"  blushed slightly. "yeah?" "well this is lust my New boyfriend.." fell kissed his cheek. You felt you're heart break and you tried to hold back you're tears. "O-oh im so h-happy for you.." "y/n are you okay?" fell had a worried look in his eye sockets. You nodded. "yeah im going ups-stairs..." you ran upstairs as Quick as possible. You ran into you're room and crawled into the corner. You're sobs filled the Quiet room.

Fell! Sans pov

Is she okay I'm really worried.. "Babe I'm going up to check on y/n so ehm maybe you should go home?" "of course sweet heart i Will talk to you later!" lust walked out and i walked up stairs. I held my ear against the door only to hear.. Sobbing? Is she crying i hope she's okay.. I knocked on the door and i heard no reaction. "y/n?.." i decided to walk in but what i saw was heart breaking y/n sat there with a knife in her hand with cuts on her wrist and she was standing on a chair ready to jump of the chair to kill herself i started to tear up at the sight of this. "Y/N!?" y/n looked at me with sadness. "s-sans.." "please y/n get off the damn chair!" tears were escaping from my eye sockets. She tried to get off but the chair fell. "Y/N!" "s-sa...ns.." i shot a sharp bone through the rope and caught her i removed the remaining rope from her neck and took her in my arms. "y-y/n... Why..." i was looking for a heart beat. Omg she was Still alive! I let out a sigh from relieve. She is unconscious from lack of oxygen but she's alive she Will wake up eventually. I saw a suicide note Laying on the night stand i picked it up and read it. 'Sans I'm so sorry i had to do this but i couldn't take it anymore sans... I love you more then a friend and when you came with lust my heart broke i didn't want to feel it anymore so i put an end to it i love you... Sincerely.... Y/n..' damn it for fucks sake! My eye glowed red out Anger and i sobbed. "i almost lost you... This is my fault... I-i Just.... Lust isn't my boyfriend.... It was all an act..... T-to make you jealous so you would confess if ya did love me........ B-but it did the opposite I'm so stupid....I'm so sorry y/n please forgive me.." "i-i forgive you.." "Y/N!" i had a big Smile and cried from happiness. "i love you y/n!" "i love you to sans.." she smiled at me and i kissed her. "i was so stupid.." "yeah you are a idiot but you're my idiot.." "i deserved That one yeah.." i smiled at her. "please never again.." "i promise.." she smiled with one of her heart warming smiles.

A/n: i almost cried While making this i didn't even meant to make it so sad QAQ

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