Undertale! Sans X Reader

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You were lying on the ground in snowdin you were freezing you heard a exited yelling voice and a calm voice you felt a Boney hand pick you up. You felt a scarf Being wrapped around youre neck "Its gonna be okay.." you felt safe weirdly enough you fell asleep in there arms and you woke up on a couch you was wearing a Black sweater and Grey pants you was hiding youre face in youre hood you was a bit scared. "ARE YOU OKAY HUMAN?!" you saw a tall skeleton with spaghetti. "Y-yeah.." you was acting you knew it damn to well you thought the monster were worse then the humans they werent called monster for nothing. "you want some spaghetti?!" you nodded and started eating. Sans had a death glare on you when papyrus asked if you liked it so you Said yes suposing That was the best answer. They were nice to you but you didnt trust them. a month later you was in the judgement hall with sans you were wearing paps scarf you knew what you did was wrong papyrus allways believed in you cared for you and made you feel safe maybe That was the reason Why you didnt trust it but Why did you kill him? You didnt know you regreted it but now it was to late you killed toriel, metaton, muffet, undyne, alphys all of them but the hardest one was papyrus. And now you needed to kill sans. "Why kid i believed in you i Believed in a human it was a mistake... My brother believes in you but you killed him... But now im wondering.. Why are you wearing his scarf i thought you didnt care thats why you killed hum right!?" he was hurt you knew it. You knew you made a mistake. You felt warm liquid streaming down youre cheeks. "kid Why are you crying you killed them!" "sans.... For a true genocide you need to kill everybody in the room right?.." "yes but why would you want That!?" "well i allways forgot someone when i walked out That person was me." you where crying and lauging at the same time you turned into a monster. You dragged the knife to youre chest but when you was trying to dat youre self something stopped you. You saw a blue glowing magic around youre hands That stopped you from stabbing youreself. Why are you stopp-" you were suddenly hugged by him. "y/n please its not to late... Reset and i Will forgive you..." "sans im sorry... Dont forgive me... I dont deserve it.." "i already forgived you.." he was crying you were a bit shocked. "Why?" "because... Y/n..... I love you...." you Smiled a bit. "sans... I love you to... Thanks you for giving me another Chance.." you Said as you pushed the reason button and when you came back everything was back to normal. Papyrus and you were friend and you and sans were in a relation ship. He kissed youre Forehead as you fell asleep.

undertale sans x reader oneshots (english)Where stories live. Discover now