Cheating! Underlust! Sans X Reader X Ink! Sans

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Y/n pov

You were walking in highschool you was walking to the place you and youre boyfriend usauly meet up but he wasnt there. You kept waiting for a While but he didnt came. You decided to look for him. You saw him. "there you a-" he was kissing someone else That bastard was cheating on you. "FUCK YOU!" he looked at you. "y/n!?" you ran away with tears in youre eyes. "y/n wait!" "leave me Alone!" you ran into the art class. No one has art class in the morning so you figured you could be here Alone Just to cry for a little While. You sat in the corner not noticing youre bestfriend ink Being busy with an artwork. "y/n?" you sobbed. "whats wrong?" he sat besides you. "i-ink...." "yes Y/n?" he hugged you tight and you cried into his chest. "l-lust... Cheated on me..." "HE DID WHAT!?" he was furious. "i told you y/n That guy wasnt worth it but no you didnt listen to me.." "im sorry ink..." he sighed. "its okay.." he rubbed circles on youre back. "Why are you here ink?.." "i wanted to finish my painting but thats not important now you are way more important.." lust came in the door. "y/n there you are!" "leave her Alone!" "shes my Girl friend you should leave her Alone!" lust grabbed youre wrist but ink didnt let him. "leave her Alone!" "no shes my Girlfriend!" you stood up. "oh if im youre Girlfriend Who is That other Girl then you kissed?! Im not special for you!" "you are special to me!" "how many Girls have you told That before!?" you sighed. "That Kiss you had with her proofed That im not special to you and That means im not youre Girl friend anymore! Lust we broke up!" he walked away. "fine!" you fell down crying again. "im here y/n.." he pulled you in a hug again you didnt notice the fact That the bell all ready rang and poeple started walking in to class. "so what are you guys doing here?" "they Just had sex!" horror sans yelled! Underswap papyrus covered blueberrys ears. "i hope not and dont say those thing when hes here!" paps en horror were yelling at each other and you started crying again in inks arms. Blueberry paps and horror sans were all youre friends. "HEY GUYS SHUT UP Y/N IS CRYING!!" blueberry yelled. "what?.." papyrus ran up to you. "are you okay y/n?" you nodded. "yeah.." "what happend..?" they all sat around you but you didnt want to talk ink noticed. "do i need to tell them?.." you nodded. "her boyfriend Cheated on her.." "hes dead!" papyrus and horror ran out of class looking for lust. "im gonna stop them!" blue berry ran after them. "thanks ink.." "its okay you deserve better anyway..." "like Who...?" "like me.." you Blushed. "what do you mean?.." "y/n i love you.." you blushed and so did he. He loved you? You had allways loved him but you gave up and to get over him you had a relation ship with lust but he loved you?.. "i love you to ink..." he kissed you and you heard shouting behind you from paps blue and horror. "FINALY!!" blueberry yelled. "or spineally!" you Said giving paps an high-five While blueberry was yelling. "no no no!!" "hehe." you laughed you forgot all youre problems with them they were the bestfriends you ever had. "oh Come on That was quite a rib tickler!" paps Said. "uhm y/n?" ink stood there blushing handing you a painting of a beautiful sunset with you and ink walking on the beach. "its for you.." you blushed and kissed him. "thanks i love it!"

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