Underlust! Papyrus X Abused! Reader

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Requested by: UnderlustSans13

Y/n pov

Since the Day that youre parents died youre life became an hell you tot abused bye the ones that adopted you they lowered youre self Esteem so much. They said hurtfull things everyday and they allways hurted you if you did something wrong. This time you acidently dropped a plate with food on it. "Y/N YOU LITTLE BRAT!" "i-it was an accident...s-sorry.." youre so called mom slapped you in the face she grabbed a towel and used it as whip. You screamed and yelled in agony. The towel hit youre eye this time. "you are worthless youre a waste of time and money get in the car." you did as she told she started the engine and drove you up to mount ebot. "w-where are we going..." "shut up." you were scared ass hell by now. She drove on top of the Mountain and grabbed youre wrist she dragged you till the edge of a giant hole. "bye~"  she pushed you inside the hole and you fell closing youre eyes and screaming from the top of youre lungs when you woke up you were in someone elses house you didnt regonize it. You stood up and walked out of the room. The smell of pie filling youre nose. "oh hello my Child." you saw a goat lady with sexy clothing. "h-hello..." the rumors of monsters living here was True were they gonna Hurt you? "i have made a pie for you." "thank you.." she gave you a plate with a pie. "i hope you like butterscotch cinnamon." "i do thank you.." you ate the pie. A few months later you told her you had to go so you were waking in snowdin now you stepped over a stick but a second later you heard it break. You started running. "human dont you know how to greet a New pall? Turn around and Shake my hand." you turned around and saw a skeleton you didnt Shake his hand you were scared. "my name is sans call me lust Tho." "y-y/n..." he started a convorsation with you but you stayed away ass much as possible you were scared. You met his brother papyrus but you didnt trust the both of them they kinda scared you. But papyrus wanted you to live with them you quickly found out that papyrus isnt that bad and he was really nice but you still didnt trust his brother even tough papyrus said he wouldnt Hurt you you gained a crush on papyrus. "lets make spaghetti." you made spaghetti with papyrus and when he was finished he hugged you making you flinch it hurted since you still had bruises. "Whats wrong?"  he grabbed youre hand and put youre sleeve up revealing bruises and cuts. "What is this..." the tears started streaming from youre cheeks. He hugged you carefully. "What happend.." "i-i got abused on the surface.." papyrus his eye sockets widend as he started looking for more cuts and bruises he patched them all up. "papyrus..." "yes y/n?" "i-i love you..." he smiled and placed a kiss on youre lips. "i love you to.." you smiled and finally you could trust someone someone so special. He wouldnt Hurt you never. You also trusted his brother more now. You finally found youre happy place.

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