Underswap! Papyrus X Absused! Scared! Reader

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Y/n pov

You crawled backwards and hit the wall with youre back making you yelp in pain since there were bruises and cuts all over youre back. "you thought you could escape huh?" these were the parents that absused you the ones that adopted you only to demolish you and make you feel miserabel. You hated this life. You were in an alley Being  kicked pushed and slapped. You screamed in agony it hurted so bad.

Papyrus! Pov

I was taking a walk out side while smoking a ciggarete. Sans got mad at me again because i was so lazy and this time I got mad asswell since I had a really rough day off course I didnt show I was mad but I Just Needed to take a walk. Suddendly I heard screaming. Screams for help I heard begs and pleads dor someone to stop And I heard laughing. I ran over to the source of the sound I ran into an alley. "hey leave her alone!" "heh.. What are you gonna do about it?" I saw the man kicking the girl one more time and then I snapped. "then...i Will give you a verry bad time!" my eye flamed Orange. "heh I would like to see you try!" I pressed my cigarete right in his neck making him scream. "b-bitch!" "I told you to leave her alone!" he tried to kick me but I dodged. I shot a bone right through his chest. "are you okay?"

Y/n pov.

"are you okay?" you looked at the Guy infront of you and nodded. What was he going to do to me Will he use me Will he absuse me... Will he kill me?.. Thoughts were running through youre head. You were shaking and crying. "Come with me.." he stuck out his hand and you hessitaded. "I wont Hurt you.." you grabbed his hand but you fell down. "I Will Carry you.." he carried you to his home and you fell asleep on his back. "PAPYRUS WHERE WERE YOU I WAS WORRIED AND WHO IS THIS!?" "I was taking a walk and I have absolutly no idea.." "THEN WHY IS SHE HERE!?" "because she was getting absused by someone.... It's a long story bro.." you woke up on his couch. "oh hey youre awake!" "sans calm down.." sans stuck out his hand in a Quick movement making you jump and fall of the couch revealing a couple cuts. "these cuts look infected we Will clean it up.." "im sorry human I Just wanted a handshake..." his voice was quiet. "i-its fine... My name is y/n.." you gave him a handshake. "my name is sans.." "and I'm papyrus.." the cleaned up youre cuts and later you fell asleep a couple Months later you met all their friends and you lived there youre cuts and bruises were as good as healed and you got a relation ship with papyrus you were always scared and sometimes you got panick attacks but papyrus was always there for you.

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