Underswap! Skellebros X Reader

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Y/n pov

You fell down in the underground 3 months ago now you lived with the skelebros. Sans was really happy, energetic and innocent and papyrus was laid back, cool and protective about his brother and you. You sat with the both of them on the couch watching tv. Sans was looking with big star eyes at the tv and papyrus was just smoking a cigarette sitting there like his usaul lazy self. "so anyone wants to do something gun today?" "WHAT DID YOU HAVE IN MIND HUMAN!?" you chuckled at sans. He was allways so exited it was so cute. "meh i dont know." papyrus Said he was Being lazy again. "you lazybone you need to go out!" sans Said. "you Just made a pun." "I di- I MADE A PUN HELP!" you chuckled. "well maybe we can go to grillbys?" "THATS A GREAT IDEA THEN MY LAZY BROTHER WILL ALSO GO OUT!" you chuckled. "great." "fine i Will go." papyrus rolled his eyes. "yes!" sans was jumping around. We all got ready to go to grillbys and a couple minutes later we were walking to grillbys. "i dont want to walk anymore." i facepalmed. "stop Being lazy papyrus!" we kept walking. "fine." at grillbys we ordered some food and drinks. "i want pancakes! The one with the smiley faces!" sans Said. "thats a Good idea can i also have some pancakes?" i asked. A couple minutes we all had our pancakes. "OH LOOK THESE PANCAKES HAVE OUR FACES ON THEM!!" sans yelled with big starry eyes. "here we have papyrus and y/n and this is me!" "well its not a pancake its a sanscake." papyrus Said. I chuckled. "PAPYRUS DONT RUIN THIS FOR ME!" he laughed. "sorry bro." we all ate our pancakes. "hm they taste so delicious." i smiled. "YES THEY DO!" we were done eating and we paid grillbys a half our later we were home. "this was nice." papyrus Said. "IT WAS HUMANS HAVE GREAT IDEAS!" i chuckled. "thanks sans." you fell asleep in papyrus his arms and you held a sleeping sans in youre arms. "sweet dreams." you heard papyrus say. A hour later you woke up having a nightmare. "shh dont worry im here." papyrus Said calmly not wanting to wake up sans. You cried a bit. "thanks papyrus.." you didnt have great memorys about the surface. "papy?.." "yes y/n?" "can i call you big brother?.." he nodded. "ofcourse." "i love you big brother.." his eyes Sockets widend at That but he relaxed again. "i love you to y/n.." you fell asleep again.

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